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  1. Sea otters hold hands to stop drifting apart and losing each other while sleeping in the water. Otters fear losing their mate to another male while sleeping. Holding hands helps protect them from predators as they group away from land.

  2. Otters hold hands to keep from drifting away from each other while they sleep or rest. This behavior, known as “rafting,” is also a way for otters to stay together while hunting or traveling. In addition to holding hands, otters also snuggle and groom each other to show their affection.

  3. Jul 23, 2021 · Do you know why sea otters hold hands? These cute animals have been caught holding hands with each other while they sleep. One of the most popular otter couples lives at the Vancouver Aquarium in British Columbia, and rocketed to Shutterstock and Wikimedia Commons fame with their hand holding scene.

  4. Oct 13, 2022 · Normally, otters hold hands while they are asleep. A pair of them may roll over onto their backs and float in the water while sleeping. They usually choose a place near the shoreline where the water is calm.

  5. Do Sea Otters Really Hold Hands? The answer is yes. Sea otters are known for several adorable behaviors, including floating on their backs and waving their paws. Another thing that makes these animals so adorable is that they often hold hands while sleeping.

  6. Dec 29, 2023 · Sea otters hold hands to avoid drifting apart from each other. Safety is a key reason for sea otters to hold hands. Mother otters hold hands with their pups, especially while the babies are still learning to swim.

  7. May 15, 2021 · Whales and dolphins experience what is known as unihemispheric slow wave sleep. Which means that whales and dolphins sleep one half of their brain at a time. And while that hemisphere of the brain...

  8. Apr 1, 2020 · Why do otters hold hands when they sleep? - To us as observers, sea otters holding hands while sleeping may seem cute and adorable, but this practice that they exhibit actually serves a...

  9. Jan 7, 2023 · One of the primary reasons sea otters hold hands is to build social bonds and ensure safety in numbers. Sea otters are highly social animals that live in groups called rafts. By holding hands, they create a floating raft, with each otter clasping paws with its neighbors.

  10. In the wild, a mother otter takes her pup everywhere to protect and educate her baby. Sea otters cannot even swim on their own when they are born.

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