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  1. 12 hours ago · Jean-Paul Sartre (middle) and Simone de Beauvoir (left) meeting with Che Guevara (right) in Cuba, 1960. The first period of Sartre's career, defined in large part by Being and Nothingness (1943), gave way to a second period—when the world was perceived as split into communist and capitalist blocs—of highly publicized political involvement.

  2. 12 hours ago · Ernesto Guevara, per carattere e per compensare la sua cattiva salute, era competitivo e dispettoso. I suoi compagni ricordano che beveva inchiostro, mangiava gesso e si arrampicava sugli alberi.

  3. 12 hours ago · Scientists announced on July 6, 1997 that they had identified the remains of Argentine-Cuban guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara (1928 -1967), recalls BTA. They were found days earlier. After official confirmation of the identification of the remains, they were repatriated to Cuba.

  4. 12 hours ago · July 6, 1997: Che Guevara's Remains Discovered Scientists announced on July 6, 1997 that they had identified the remains of Argentine-Cuban guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara (1928 -1967), recalls BTA. ...

  5. 12 hours ago · CIUDAD DE CÓRDOBA. Se conmemora el 451° aniversario de la fundación de la ciudad de Córdoba. La capital de la provincia fue fundada el 6 de julio de 1573 por el español Jerónimo Luis de Cabrera.

  6. 12 hours ago · Moim okiem - bez fikcji! Wyszukaj

  7. 12 hours ago · As motos e o estilo de vida dos motociclistas têm um apelo fascinante que foi capturado em várias produções cinematográficas e televisivas ao longo dos anos.

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