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  1. Jul 15, 2007 · TASCAM's DM-4800 fits seamlessly into the modern recording environment based around a computer DAW. With a single button press, the Remote layer provides a 24-fader control surface for control of premiere workstations such as Pro Tools, Logic, SONAR, DP, Cubase and Nuendo.

  2. Jul 15, 2007 · TASCAM's DM-4800 fits seamlessly into the modern recording environment based around a computer DAW. With a single button press, the Remote layer provides a 24-fader control surface for control of premiere workstations such as Pro Tools, Logic, SONAR, DP, Cubase and Nuendo.

  3. Nov 11, 2013 · #1. Hello Everyone - Newbie here! Forgive me if this topic has already been addressed, I could only find. something from 2011. I have a 4800 and I am having some trouble with my IF-FW/DMMKII card not pushing any tracks through to the DAW I'm working with (Mixcraft Pro 6).

  4. Jun 18, 2014 · The easy solution is to power cycle the DM, while the long one is to wait 15-20 minutes to get the release. For the later, the programs won't reconnect with the MMC. It is common to my three apps.

  5. Click the product initials and click the name of the product displayed below, then you can download each material in product's page. [Documents Available for Download]

  6. Feb 3, 2013 · I have upgraded my Mac to an M2 silicone. I've been holding out hoping someone might be able to write a driver to get the firewire to work on the new computer but I'm done waiting. Also I am done with Tascam.

  7. This section describes the new features for each revision of the DM-4800 software. Firmware Update Notice If you are updating the firmware in a DM-4800 that is cascaded, always disconnect the cascade cable before doing the firmware update procedure.

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