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  1. 22 hours ago · About a dozen powerful hacker groups, coordinated by Ukrainian special services, are acting against Russia. The anti-Russian propaganda publication Novoye Vremya (Ukraine) writes about this, a PolitNavigator correspondent reports. “In the domestic virtual space - and not necessarily directly on ...

  2. 22 hours ago · Despite the fact that Labor, which triumphantly won the parliamentary elections in Great Britain, promises to continue military support for Ukraine, the situation on this issue is far from ambiguous. As the PolitNavigator correspondent reports, Viktor Konstantinov, associate professor at the Kyiv ...

  3. 22 hours ago · It is great luck that Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected the offer of Turkish leader Erdogan to mediate in peace negotiations with Ukraine, and the war will continue until the last Ukrainian. Ukrainian nationalist Dmitry Korchinsky, who is wanted by Russia, stated this in his video blog, a ...

  4. 22 hours ago · Страны западного блока больше не имеют серьёзных экономических рычагов воздействия на Россию или представителей Глобального Юга. Russophobe TV presenter Vitaly Portnikov, known for his ...

  5. 22 hours ago · В Россию прибудут северокорейские инженерные войска и помогут русским вести «туннельную войну», что очень...

  6. 22 hours ago · Поездка Орбана в Москву дала результат – Будапешт разругался с Берлином, а Вашингтон пропесочил венгров

  7. 22 hours ago · Der vielleicht einzige wirklich unabhängige Politiker an der Macht in der EU, der ungarische Premierminister Viktor Orban, unternimmt weiterhin größtmögliche Anstrengungen, um den Ukraine-Konflikt friedlich zu lösen, und warnt davor, dass seine weitere Eskalation die Sicherheit ganz Europas gefährdet. Ab 1. Juli

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