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  1. Christmas Memories With Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Homemade Toffee
    This brings back warm memories of Christmas time at my grandparents with all the women-folk in the kitchen making goodies. This recipe is as good today as it was back then!
    Cinnamon Monkey Bread
    This recipe is great for breakfast on special occasions like slumber parties, Christmas morning, and a special send off when going back to college, etc ... It is always associated with fond memories at my house, both for the event and for the wonderful taste.
    Authentic Swedish Meatballs
    This recipe is one of my earliest food memories. Every Christmas Eve, my family enjoys an authentic Swedish Smorgasbord, of which this is an essential part. My mother still tells tales (and I'm 40) of me as a toddler, standing by the dish of meatballs and eating as many as I could hold. These are not spicy, like most Scandinavian food, but have a great flavor and texture. In fact, they are so soft, that I usually chill the meat mixture before rolling and frying to avoid meatballs with flat sides. I've included the directions for the gravy, which I usually don't make, as it's traditional, but the balls are wonderful without it on any buffet table, or as an addition to a potluck. They are also good cold, straight from the fridge. If you like to do OAMC cooking, these freeze beautifully, in fact, I never make less than 100 meatballs at a time, lightly brown them, then flash freeze to finish later. The traditional recipe calls for a mix of beef, pork, and veal- if you object to veal, they work equally well with an even mix of beef and pork. Don't try to use these as an option for spaghetti, the seasonings just don't match. Prep time does not include chilling the meat mixture or the prepared meatballs.
    Old-Fashioned Homemade Hard Candy
    This is an old recipe from my childhood. Many people have memories of cutting this candy with their mother's and grandmothers. I have passed it on and am now posting here for all to share in this classic Christmas tradition!
    Apple Tarte Tartin
    Before I began my career as a publicist, I spent the age of 15-21 as a waitress in restaurants which ranged from greasy spoon coffee shops to high end French couture restaurants. All these years later, I still have very fond memories of hanging out in the kitchen watching the chefs and line cooks puff up perfect soufflés, julienne a bucket of some exotic vegetable or sauce up a chicken fried steak. I really enjoyed watching the assembly line of prep and putting together of ingredients to be plated and toted out to the dining room. I learned about wines as my customers ordered bottles and gave me sips to experience along with them. The walk-in was a particularly interesting place, not only to catch my breath for a moment of solitude, but to steal a nibble of something that may have been forbidden for the wait staff to eat. I remember a giant English trifle of which attracted my spoon, dish and I into the refrigerator a few more times than I probably should. Aside from helping my Mom in her kitchen as a kid, these were the places where I was really was bitten by the food bug. Just curious really, I suppose. I learned that my preconceived notions were not foregone conclusions – “you mean there is no chicken in a chicken fried steak?” An aspect of myself which lives on today in my publicity work, I loved to make anything eccentric mainstream; once I learned what a coulibiac actually was, we couldn’t keep it in the kitchen. Many recipes came from those years which I hastily penned down on cocktail napkins and to this day, keep in a notebook, Scotch-taped to a three hole-punched piece of wrinkled paper. My apple tarte tartin is one, for which I am known to make every year for Christmas. And, so, upon you telling me `about your new blog, Amanda, and seeing you have a recipe submission button -- I’m contributing my high-fat, high-heaven apple dish to your community. Congrats on Food52; it’s beautiful. Along with William Safire’s great word soliloquies, I’m sad that you’re no longer at the NYT. I have relished your slightly quirky and always elegant take on the edible for the paper and magazine, but this seems like a wonderful endeavor. And, well, you are irreplaceable, so too bad for them! Alyson’s Apple Tarte Tartin 6 large green apples (in my opinion, the tartness of green is so much better than reds) 14 tablespoons salted butter (don’t listen to cooks who say you must bake with sweet butter – I like the salt) 2/3 cup white sugar 7 tablespoons brown sugar Crust: 2 cups flour (sift it!) 1 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons lard 7-10 tablespoons ice cold water Or Use Pepperidge Farm’s Filo Dough (mucho easier, faster and perfectly delicious) Glaze: ½ cup white sugar ¼ cup water Condiment: Heavy cream Powdered sugar Cut apples in half. Cut out the cores in a “V” shape. Cut off both ends so they are square. Peel them. Combine butter, brown and white sugar into a thick paste. Divide in half. Using a high-sided iron Dutch oven, smush the butter mixture thickly on the bottom and sides of the iron. Note: you can use other kinds of pans, but the heavier the better and the sides should be a minimum of twice the height of the apples. Believe me, it took me years to figure out the perfection, specifically, of using a Dutch oven for this. If it overflows, the caramelizing procedure will create an incredible mess in your oven and you’ll create such a thick smoke in the house, you’ll smell it for weeks. You might even attract the fire department, which, if you’re single, may not be a bad thing…. Arrange apples with one of the cut, squared sides down, front to back until they are packed together in a petal like fashion around the edges of the Dutch oven. Think of how bodies might be squished together for a photo with people’s back’s pressed against other’s chests. There should be no space between them and tightly packed in. Do the same in a circle inside this row toward the center of the pan, until all apples are packed in on their sides. Take the rest of the butter/sugar paste and crumble over the apples. There should be plenty of paste; be generous with it. For your own dough, sift together flour and salt. Cut in lard and toss with a fork until combined. Add tablespoons (one at a time) of iced cold water and toss to form a loose dough. Gather dough into ball and roll out into ¼” thickness. Cut dough to cover apples (easiest to use the Dutch oven or baking dish cover to measure!). Cover applies with dough, tucking edges between the apples and the side of the pan. Slit dough in center to air to escape. Now, take the batteries out of your smoke alarms and make sure you oven is lined with foil. Preheat oven to 450. Bake, uncovered for 30 minutes or until crust is golden brown. Remove dish from oven and increase heat to 550. Cover dish and return to oven and bake for one hour. To check is tartin is done, tilt dish and liquid should have caramelized and look like dark brown honey. Remove from oven and cool. DO NOT REFRIGERATE, otherwise, you’ll never get it out of the pan. Keep it at room temperate for a couple of hours until pan is cool enough to touch with bare hands. Put a large serving plate over the Dutch oven. Over the sink – flip it. Let it sit until all the apples fall onto the plate. Carefully remove the Dutch oven and pray the apples are still in a nice petal-like pattern. If some are still stuck, carefully scrape out and try to fit into the pattern. If not, no worries, it’ll taste the same. I am famous for my crooked cakes, but also for how amazing they taste! Now you must refrigerate the tartin, which should now be seated on top of the dough. You must get the apples cool enough to grab the glaze and let it harden into a candy like texture. An hour should be enough, just make sure the apples are cool to the touch before adding the glaze. Combine ½ cup white sugar and a bit of water in a heavy small saucepan. Cook on high heat on stove until if caramelized. It should take 5-8 minutes or so, it will slightly smoke and turn color to a dark brown. As it starts to turn from a golden honey to a dark honey color and smoke a bit, turn down the heat and let it transform into a dark brown honey like color. It may appear that it’s burning -- it is actually, but there is a fine line between caramelized and burnt. Pour immediately over the tartin. The coolness of the apples will grab the glaze to harden into a candy like texture and hold the apples together. Place heavy cream into metal or glass bowl (not plastic as it will not firm up). Place hand whipper in at high speed until the cream begins to turn from liquid to a firm whipped cream texture. Add a bit of sugar to taste to the sweetness you like. Go easy on, as the sugar in the apples is intense and so a more plain cream is preferable as a condiment. Serve and repeat the story above. Tell them it was you. They’ll believe it, especially since by dessert time, your guests should have had enough wine to smile at anything you tell them.
    Candy Cane Cookies
    These red and white striped Candy Cane Cookies have been completing Christmas cookie trays for years—since 1963 to be exact—and this version is based on the classic recipe from Betty’s Cooky Book, so you know it’s the real deal. The elves in the Betty Crocker™ Kitchens have given it a little extra sweetness and oomph with vanilla and peppermint extracts. If you’re new to Candy Cane Sugar Cookies, we promise that baking a batch will make for wonderful holiday memories. Your family will love twisting together the red and white cookie dough ropes and turning them into cute-as-can-be candy canes. The finishing touch? Sprinkling crushed peppermint candy over the top for tastes-like-Christmas flavor—nothing beats scratch candy cane sugar cookies! With 54 servings, this recipe is perfect for sharing at a cookie exchange or giving as gifts. And once you’ve mastered this classic, you’ll want to check out the rest of <a href="">Betty's Christmas cookie recipes</a>.
    Fig-Stuffed Cookies: Cuccidati Italian
    Food Network
    My husband's grandmother used to make these during the holidays. Now every year at Christmas, as a family, we take on some big project in the kitchen. One time it was to make a timpano (like from the movie Big Night) and last year it was to re-create the stunning sculpted fig-stuffed cookies of their childhood called cuccidati (Goo-ji-data). His sister Fran and I taught ourselves how to make them from a photo we had. We didn't have the original recipe — only memories — so thank God for the Internet! We found some recipes and compiled our own from what we read. They are beautiful to look at when they're done, shaped and carved with a small knife to look like birds, fish and baskets of flowers. And the icing gives them the look of porcelain. They really are almost too pretty to eat. But you can make a simple version by just rolling out a piece of dough and filling it with the fig filling, then rolling it up and cutting it into 1-inch sections.
    Old-Fashioned Cut out Frosted Butter Cookies
    I made these cookies with my mom when I was young. My daughter and I now make these every year for Christmas keeping the tradition going. This recipe comes out of a darling cookbook dated 1947 called Best Loved Foods of Christmas. The pictures and graphics are so adorable. Baking the cookies isn't always the fun part but the decorating is a blast! My daughter asks me every year about SUMMER time Mom, can we make Cutout cookies again this year LOL! I always say YES most certainly! The time it takes to make these is worth the time. If you share these with others you will get so many compliments! When I make these I break it up into a 2 day job. First day we bake the cookies and next day we decorate. These cookies also store well. I store them in a big air tight plastic container. Anyways have a blast making these. Your children or Grandchildren will grow up having fond memories of you and them baking these as I do with my Mother!
    Molasses Glaze for Holiday Ham
    From my Aunt Alta's recipe collection. My first memory of my Aunt Alta is visiting at her house in Illinois when I was a young girl, when she served us a huge holiday ham dinner(even though we were visiting her in the summer). I had never had a ham before, since my mother never served pork dishes in our house. I loved it and now I make a holiday ham for Christmas each year. She decorated the ham with pineapple rings and maraschino cherries place into the center of each ring,using whole cloves to pin them into place. I am guessing on the size of the ham here - her instructions were only for a half ham or a whole ham. Since the ham is to be a precooked one, the cook time is really just to fully heat the ham and cook the glaze, so use the appropriate heating time that your ham wrapper indicates for the size ham you have purchased. If your wrapper suggests a different temperature as well, then use that temperature, adjusting it to fit the recipe temp only after adding the glaze. I recently inherited my Aunt's recipes, and this was buried in her recipe files, splattered and crinkled and torn at the edges. She originally got the recipe from the back of a molasses bottle. I serve this with a hot fruit sauce on the side as a &quot;gravy.&quot;