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  1. Listening to your child use foul language can be quite the shock. Use these 10 helpful tips to curb the potty talk, swearing, and foul language in your household.

  2. 8 Solutions to Help Curb Potty Talk and Swearing 1. Give Plenty of Positive Attention & Reinforcement. This has been said a million times, but kids act out for attention whether it’s your praise or your angry reaction to potty talk.

  3. Jan 21, 2014 · Bathroom humor, or potty talk, commonly accompanies toilet training and preschool development in general. Three-and four-year-olds become interested in these words as they hear them increasingly from you during toilet training or from their friends during play.

  4. May 4, 2022 · The truth is that theres nothing inherently wrong with potty talk. It is, indeed, a developmentally appropriate behavior in preschool and elementary school-aged kids that will naturally recede into the background and disappear over time as new social skills are developed.

  5. May 22, 2024 · Teach respect Swear words and potty talk won't be looked upon kindly at daycare, in the playground, at a friend's house or at Grandma's dinner table. Explain that these words make people uncomfortable and hurt their feelings.

  6. Jan 30, 2018 · How to Handle Preschooler Potty Talk and When to Just Ignore It. The potty is a huge deal for preschoolers, so sometimes they need to laugh about it. One of the more disconcerting moments of parenthood is when a sweet angel preschooler suddenly falls in love with potty talk.

  7. Jul 11, 2019 · The best way to make sense of potty talk and to correct it is to understand what the brain is doing developmentally. It is also helpful to take into account what little brains are being exposed to and how their personal life is changing.

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