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  1. For loops are well-suited for situations where the number of iterations is known and a more structured approach is desired. On the other hand, while loops are ideal when the number of iterations is unknown or when the loop's termination depends on a specific condition.

  2. Oct 7, 2010 · The one notable difference between a for() and while() loop is that a "continue" statement in a while() loop will branch to the top of the loop, while one in a for() loop will branch to the third part of the for() clause [the one after the condition, usually used to bump variables].

    • Basics of Programming Loops. Loops are essential to programming, allowing us to repeat instructions multiple times. They allow us to check for specific conditions and run our code based on them.
    • Types Of Programming Loops. Prepare to explore the many different shapes and sizes of programming loops. From simple for loops to complex while statements, there’s a loop type that can fit any need.
    • When To Use A Loop. Loops are fundamental to programming, so knowing when they should be used is essential. They allow us to repeat tasks until the desired outcome is achieved.
    • Break And Continue Statements. You have your feet firmly planted in the fundamentals of looping, understanding when to use a loop and how it works. But there is more to learn.
    • What Are Loops?
    • Printing A Number Sequence
    • The Purpose of Loops
    • Two Ways to Implement Loops
    • Another Example

    Loopsare a fundamental construct for many programs. In fact, all but the most basic of programs are likely to include at least one loop in them. Loops can be very useful and can save you, the developer, a lot of time. I’ll use some examples to illustrate how your time is saved. All the examples provided in this article will be in pseudocode.

    Lets say that we want to print a sequence of numbers. Lets say, 1 to 100 inclusive. Now without loops we would have to do the following: [codebox 1] ……. and so on. Obviously not only is this time consuming, it is also very tedious. Now, lets have a look what happens to the code if we use a loop, in this case, a for loop. [codebox 2] Now, as you can...

    The purpose of loops is to repeat the same, or similar, code a number of times. This number of times could be specified to a certain number, or the number of times could be dictated by a certain condition being met. There are usually a number of different types of loops included in programming languages including for loops, while loops and do….whil...

    So, the two ways you can use a loop are: Repeating a block of statements with a specified and previously defined number of iterations to be completed. In our example above, this is the way we have used looping – to print the numbers 1 to 100 inclusive. We know to do this that we have to loop 100 times, there is no requirement for a condition to be ...

    For example in a do….while loop you may have the following condition: [codebox 3] In this basic example we’ve told the program to keep the sprinklers set to true (or on) while the sun is shining. This loop will continue while the condition, sun=true, is true. When this condition becomes false, the loop will exit and the program will continue. do….w...

  3. To save ourselves from writing all that code, we can use a loop. JavaScript has two kinds of loops, a while loop and a for loop. A while loop is a way to repeat code until some condition is false. For example, this while loop will display the value of y at (30, y) as long as y is less than 400.

  4. Choosing Which Loop to Use. The for loop is typically used to iterate through a fixed set of values that can be determined before the loop executes. This is why we say that a for loop exhibits definite iteration. On the other hand, the while loop is more flexible, as we saw with the example of validating user input.

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  6. Jan 24, 2019 · So far we have seen how loops can be used to perform repetitive tasks and iterate through data sets. Another use for loops within a program is controlling flow. By combining different loops...

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