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  1. Long John Silver's Fish Batter Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Long John Silver's Battered Fish (Copycat)
    My revised reverse-engineered recipe for Long John Silver's "Battered Fish" also makes an excellent batter for deep-fried prawns, mushrooms, onion rings and even Chinese chicken drumettes (serve with a dipping sauce of light soy sauce, rice vinegar, minced garlic and snipped green onion, with a splash of dry sherry or sake). PLEASE NOTE: The Nutritional Information listing here is inaccurate -- since only a fraction of flour and salt actually end up in the finished product. So be aware -- the suggested sodium, sugar, carbohydrate and calorie levels are ridiculously exaggerated!
    Long John Silver's Fish Batter
    Mom got this recipe from somewhere a long time ago and passed it on to me. Just multiply the amounts according to how much fish that you have to fry.
    Fish & Chicken Batter
    This recipe is a copy of the batter used by Long John Silver's restaraunts. Very light and flaky batter for fish and chicken, shrimp, tofu, anything that you can batter and deep fry.