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  1. 'Bird-Man' Video Confirmed to Be a Hoax. Joanna Stern. March 23, 2012. Turns out humans still can't fly, despite the images in a popular YouTube video. Floris Kaayk, a Dutchman, posted a video...

  2. The man who claimed to achieve bird-like flight with a custom-built contraption came clean today: It was a hoax 8 months in the making. “Jarno Smeets” of the Human Birdwings project is really...

  3. The Dutch 'bird man' who posted a video showing a successful 'test flight' of a wing suit contraption has admitted that the amazing feat was a hoax all along. Viewers became sceptical after it...

  4. A Dutch "bird-man" who posted a video of himself "flying" in a home-made wing suit on YouTube, has admitted it was a hoax. Jarno Smeets had told people he was inspired to build the bird suit by...

  5. The bird-man video is now a verified hoax, but there's still some value in seeing how he tricked us.

  6. A man who posted a video of himself apparently conducting a successful test flight of a "wing-suit" he'd invented, has admitted it was a hoax. In the widely viewed film the "inventor" - a Dutch...

  7. The flying Dutchman has turned out to be a lying Dutchman after human birdman Jarno Smeets confessed that his film showing him using a pair of wings to fly like a bird was in fact a hoax.

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