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  1. People also ask

    • Listen. Listening is the number one step in dealing with "unreasonable" people. Everyone wants to feel heard. No progress can take place until the other person feels acknowledged.
    • Stay calm. When a situation is emotionally charged, it's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment. Monitor your breathing. Try to take some slow, deep breaths.
    • Don’t judge. You don't know what the other person is going through. Chances are if a person is acting unreasonable, they are likely feeling some sort of vulnerability or fear.
    • Reflect respect and dignity toward the other person. No matter how a person is treating you, showing contempt will not help productively resolve the situation.
    • Overview
    • Understanding Difficult Behavior
    • Maintaining Calm and Composure
    • Effective Communication Strategies
    • Dealing With Difficult People in Specific Situations

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    When someone’s behavior makes it difficult for you to do your job, carry out your everyday duties, or maintain a healthy relationship with them, they can be defined as “difficult.” Ranging from the words they say to their inability to work effectively with others, difficult people can drain you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

    Reasons for Difficult Behavior

    A person can become irritable, aggressive, intolerant, and noncommunicative for a number of both internal and external reasons, including: Excessive stress. Whether it’s from work or family obligations, stress can cause people to exhibit difficult behaviors. They may become anxious and hard to deal with, moody, short-tempered, or critical. Personality issues. People with strong personalities tend to butt heads. That can be even more apparent when the two people disagree, and each wants their own way. Triggering events. People who experienced verbal abuse or trauma may immediately lash out if they think that type of behavior is being directed toward them. Triggers can also cause childhood trauma to resurface. Unresolved conflicts. A tense issue that hasn’t been dealt with is the constant elephant in the room. And the tension can bring irritability and frustration with it. Communication issues. Misunderstandings, and the inability or lack of effort to communicate clearly, lead to difficult behavior, especially if someone feels slighted. Personal issues. Relationship problems, financial problems, sickness, mental health issues, and any number of personal concerns can seep into behavior at work and with others. Author Natasha Bowman, JD, SPHR, noticed that her behavior changed as she dealt with the responses of family members and friends to her bipolar diagnosis. “Because of the stigma associated with mental illness, many didn't want me to disclose my diagnosis because they feared what would happen to my career or how people would perceive them as someone closely related to me. During this and previous times that I had conflicted with my close family and friends, I noticed a pattern and was also triggered by them,” she explains. When you know what causes a person to become difficult and on edge, you can figure out what steps you need to take to deal with their behavior. How to Deal With Difficult Family Members

    If someone is yelling at you, being rude, or even threatening, it’s hard to remain calm. But staying level-headed can be the key to keeping a difficult situation from escalating.

    “First and foremost, it is typically not prudent to engage in any type of challenge or restorative conversation when emotions are high,” explains Joseph Galasso, PsyD, Chief Executive Officer and Clinical Psychologist at Baker Street Behavioral Health. “If you are trying to help someone stay calm, model calmness, make sure your voice is steady, and you are clear in what you want to communicate. Be assertive and ask for exactly what you want.”

    You can also take steps to regulate your own behavior by taking deep, calming breaths, practicing focused mindfulness, or even taking a break from the situation by removing yourself and coming back to the conversation later. Being aware of your own triggers and coping mechanisms, and harnessing your ability to stay calm, can be the key to a more successful outcome.

    “Self-awareness and self-regulation are critical skills for managing problematic behavior. You can stay calm and composed in challenging situations by recognizing your triggers and learning to regulate your emotions,” Bowman notes.

    Communicating in an understanding, compassionate way also helps.

    “The way you communicate with [difficulty] is imperative as well. To avoid conflict and avoid potentially losing a relationship, I try to understand their emotions and perspectives, which is, again, demonstrating empathy. Also, use the 'I' statement. Using the 'I' statement avoids accusing or blaming a person but expresses how their feelings affect you,” states Bowman.

    When you are face-to-face with someone who is being difficult, your first instinct may be to respond in anger or frustration. However, research shows that practicing empathy can help foster a sense of connection. Although it takes work, when you actively listen to someone and try to understand what they are going through, it can help to de-escalate the situation.

    Using the 'I' statement avoids accusing or blaming a person but expresses how their feelings affect you.


    At the same time, offering a listening ear doesn’t mean that you allow yourself to be mistreated. You can also effectively communicate by being assertive and letting the other person know what type of behavior you expect. Helping them to understand what you will and will not tolerate in the workplace, in the family dynamic, or in a relationship can create the boundaries that you need.

    “Be clear about your boundaries and communicate them assertively. Don't let problematic behavior cross your boundaries,” Bowman says.

    Another communication strategy is incorporating laughter into the situation when appropriate.

    The strategy you use to deal with an uncooperative coworker can be different than how you’d handle a rude, critical family member. And both of those methods can change when you’re dealing with a difficult friend.

    With workplace challenges, understanding why a person is being difficult can help with the approach to handling them. A whopping 83% of people say they suffer from work-related stress. Do they feel like their job is threatened by you or another coworker? Do they have a long commute or stressful meetings once they arrive at work? No matter the root cause for the behavior, experts say the key thing is not to take it personally.

    “When dealing with difficult behavior, remember that their behavior says a lot about their character, not yours. Don't engage. When possible, I find the 1:3 rule applies to engaging. If you have to engage the person, do it only one out of three times [that] they are provocative,” advises Dr. Galasso. “Let your manager know that you are constantly being challenged by your co-worker’s difficult behaviors and ask them to intervene.”

    When possible, I find the 1:3 rule applies to engaging. If you have to engage the person, do it only one out of three times [that] they are provocative.


    Family conflicts present a different dynamic. These are people who are often with you day in and day out. Because these are more intimate relationships, where difficult behaviors and disagreements may have been brewing for years, setting boundaries often provides the best solution. “Be assertive and set clear expectations about what a respectful relationship looks like. Be selective with the information you share; trust is earned,” notes Dr. Galasso.

    • Lakeisha Fleming
    • 6 min
    • Identify the 4 Types. There are 4 different types of difficult people. Think about the person in your life and figure out which category they are in: Downers are also known as Negative Nancys or Debbie Downers.
    • Don’t Try Changing Them. When we meet a difficult person, or if we have one in our family or circle of friends, our instinct is to try changing them. We try to encourage Downers to be more positive, Passives to stand up for themselves, Tanks to calm down, and Better Thans to be more humble.
    • Try Understanding Them. The way to disengage a difficult person is to try understanding where they are coming from. I try to find their value language.
    • Don’t Let Them Be Toxic. Some difficult people can be toxic. Toxic people can be passive-aggressive, mean, or hurtful. So, if you have to deal with them, you can understand where they are coming from, and then keep your distance.
  2. Mar 7, 2024 · Realize there will always be difficult people. No matter where you live or work, you will encounter people who seem like they are out to hurt others. The key is to learn how to deal with these sorts of people.

  3. Apr 28, 2022 · Learn how to spot, handle, and cope with challenging people in your personal and professional life. Find out how to communicate with empathy, humor, and compromise, and when to walk away.

  4. Jan 6, 2020 · Learn how to handle difficult people in various situations with kindness, compassion, and communication. Find out how to use common ground, stay calm, and ignore or control the situation when needed.

  5. Mar 6, 2024 · Learn why some colleagues are challenging and how to handle difficult interactions at work with 11 expert tips. Find out how to examine your reaction, stay calm, share your feelings, avoid when possible, discuss the issue privately and more.