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  1. › srd › classesRogue ::

    Learn about the rogue class in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition, including sneak attack, trapfinding, evasion, uncanny dodge, and more. Find the rogue's level progression, class skills, and special abilities on

    • Forgery

      Forgery (Int) Check. Forgery requires writing materials...

    • Perform

      A bard must have at least 3 ranks in a Perform skill to...

    • Open Lock

      Open Lock (Dex; Trained Only) Attempting an Open Lock check...

    • Use Magic Device

      Use Magic Device (Cha; Trained Only) Use this skill to...

    • Rogue

      Rogue Hit Points. Hit Dice: 1d8 per rogue level Hit Points...

    • Disguise

      +5: Disguised as different gender 1-2: Disguised as...

    • Rogue Class Features
    • Alternate Class Features
    • Abilities
    • Races
    • Skills
    • Feats
    • Weapons
    • Armor
    • Magic Items
    • Permanent Spells

    Hit Points: d6 hit points is hard, especially because so many Rogues go for melee builds. Base Attack Bonus: 2/3 BAB is hard for characters so dependent on weapon attacks for damage, especially for Two-Weapon Fighting builds, but with decent planning (and with Flanking) Rogues get by just fine. Saves: The Rogue’s only good save is Reflex, and with ...

    AntiquarianCC: Appraise is garbage. Hire an NPC to appraise things, or cast Identify.
    BreathstealerDM: Even in dragon-heavy campaigns this isn’t particularly great.
    Death’s RuinCC: Penetrating Strike is strictly better for melee Rogues, but Death’s Ruin works with ranged attacks.
    Disruptive AttackPHB2: A -5 to the targets AC is a heft penalty, especially if you have follow-up attacks or if you have allies who also make attack rolls. I have used this to great effect with a T...

    Rogues are conceptually SAD because they rely so heavily on Dexterity, but in reality they are about as MAD as a Fighter if they intend to do more than stab things. Str: Even for melee builds, you can usually get away with dumping Strength. The Rogue’s damage dervices mostly from Sneak Attack, so a -1 or -2 from Strength won’t matter much. Dex: Eve...

    Dexterity is crucial. Darkvision is nice to have, but not essential. Medium size is nice if you plan to be Reduced, but hardly essential. Dwarf: Darkvision is really the only thing which the Dwarf offers the Rogue. As nice as Darkvision can be, there are plenty of ways to get it on another race. Elf: Decent, especially with the Dexterity bonus, but...

    Appraise(Int): Too situational.
    Balance(Dex): Too situational.
    Bluff(Cha): Helpful for a Face.
    Climb(Str): Too situational.
    Ascetic RogueCAd: Worthless for Rogues, and barely worthwhile for Monks. Note that the short description of the feat is wildly inaccurate.
    CravenCoR: Arguably the most powerful feat ever written for Rogues. It’s a massiveboost to your damage output, and because it keys off of your character level it continues to scale if you multiclass.
    Combat ReflexesPHB: Area control isn’t a thing that Rogus do, but Combat Reflexes opens up some other interesting feats. Combined with Savvy Rogue and the Opportunist Special Ability, this can get...
    Vexing FlankerPHB2: For TWF rogues flanking is a foregone conclusion, so Vexing Flanker is a very frequent +2 to attacks.
    Dagger: Versatile, portable, and always handy. Carry a few for utility purposes even if they’re not your primary weapon. Because Rogues get their damage from Sneak Attack, daggers are frequently be...
    Crossbow, Hand: Crossbows are terrible, and making one smaller isn’t any better.
    Crossbow, Light: Crossbows are terrible.
    Rapier: The “best” melee option for the Rogue based solely on its stats, but critical hits are worthless for Rogues, so it’s basically a longer short sword.

    Armor is presented in the order in which you should acquire it, rather than alphabetical order. 1. Studded Leather: Starting gear 2. Mithral Shirt: Your armor solution until you can get a +10 or better dexterity bonus. 3. Buckler: Essential for ranged builds, and single-weapon melee builds. 4. Thistledown Padded: Once you hit +10 dex bonus thistled...


    1. Deadly PrecisionDMG2(+1): +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This seems like it should be a great idea, but compare it to 1d6 fire damage which always applies, or sneak attack damage which you need to work for. 2. Feycraft WeaponsDMG2(material): A little-known material out of DMG2, Feycraft weapons allow you to use a weapon as though you had Weapon Finesse without spending a feat. For 1500gp, it can save you a feat. The loss of damage is laughably small. I would get this before I started buying mag...

    Weapon Crystals

    1. Energy AssaultMIC: You’ll already get a pile of d6’s from Sneak Attack, but more never hurt. 2. Life LeachMIC: Not terribly exciting, but stealing health from enemies you hit in combat can get you the extra hit points you need to get through a fight. 3. ReturnMIC: The Least version removes the need for Quick Draw, which is helpful for throwing builds and for TWF builds if you get caught with your weapons sheathed.


    1. AnimatedMIC(+2): Since you’re not proficient with shields, the best you probably want to get is an animated darkwood shield (no ACP). A +1 animated darkwood shield costs 9257gp, and at a +3 AC bonus it’s reasonably inexpensive at high levels. 2. NimblenessMIC(+1): You should never put this on anything that has an ACP after being masterwork, so this is functionally identical to a normal +1. 3. MobilityMIC(+1): Helpful for melee builds which don’t want to go all the way to Spring Attack. 4....

    DarkvisionPHB: Darkvision is essential when so much of your skillset requires sneaking around in the dark. Of course, an Eternal Wand of Darkvision costs 4420gp (compare to 5000gp to pay an NPC to...
    Reduce PersonPHB: If you’re medium you can reduce yourself for an easy +2 to Dexterity.
    See invisibilityPHB: With no built-in way to handle invisible creatures, the ability to always see them is a fantastic benefit. You can’t Sneak Attack targets with concealment, so See Invisibility...
  2. › srd › classesSRD - Rogue

    Experienced rogues develop mystical powers and skills as they master the arts of stealth, evasion, and sneak attacks. In addition, while not capable of casting spells on their own, rogues can "fake it" well enough to cast spells from scrolls, activate wands, and use just about any other magic item.

    • Meets DC
    • Exceeds the DC by 2
    • Exceeds the DC by 10
    • Exceeds the DC by 5
  3. Jun 15, 2010 · Rogue is one of the core classes, and fairly iconic too, so it’s curious why there isn’t a good handbook for it. The only one I found is five years old and seems to be very outdated, so I set out to make a handbook myself.

  4. The Rogue is an elusive combatant and master of misdirection who is able to actively avoid or disrupt the activities of his enemies while dispensing deadly harm. Rogues represent plucky swashbucklers and hardened criminals who tend to come out on top.

  5. Sep 24, 2012 · Agents of shadows, masters of sneaking, scoundrels, spies and assassins capable of piercing your heart as easily as they take your wallet. They are jacks of all trades, capable of learning more ...

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