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  1. Victor Canning Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Cherry-Chocolate-Pecan Crumble
    In an attempt to win the battle of the cherry trees, I am putting up as much of the fruit as I can as fast as I can. Last year, the birds were the decisive victors, arriving like the Blitzkrieg while I was at work and decimating the crop. I cried. A lot. This year, we are going with the net approach combined with a frequent harvesting technique. Although the birds still manage to peck through, fly under and shake off a good chunk of the berries I am willing to accept a stalemate in the name of supporting the ecosystem. As long as I get enough to make cherry filling to sit in little jars, like crimson jewels, in the basement waiting to brighten up a dreary February pound cake. Or crumble.
    Out of This World - Mai Tai
    Mai Tai translates from Tahitian to mean "Out of this World." A fitting description for this cocktail. The Mai Tai came to light in 1944 in Oakland's Trader Vic's. There Victor Bergron, one of the founders of the tiki bar, put together this great drink that deserves to feature the best rum you can get your hands on. Over the years the recipe has changed greatly, disguising the rum under layers of fruit. The first recipe is Bergron's original recipe, the second, one of the many newer versions. From
    Steak Slice with Lemon and Thyme
    Food Network
    This recipe, or rather the method, was suggested to me by my agent Ed Victor, and so is known familiarly as Ed's Tender Rump. The method is this: instead of marinading the meat before cooking, you marinade it after -- and it really does keep it extraordinarily tender. Please feel free to play around with the herbs; I think Ed himself uses oregano rather than the thyme I love. I love this with broccoletti or those leggy tenderstem broccoli. A couple of packets, lightly cooked and then drained and placed in the marinade after the beef's out and sliced, is the most heavenly accompaniment. And I can't tell you how good both steak and broccoli are cold later.