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  1. Safety and security. Crime. Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, are prevalent. Violent crime also occurs. Ensure that your belongings, including your passports and other travel documents, are secure at all times. Demonstrations occur from time to time. Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time.

  2. May 23, 2022 · Puerto Rico is generally safe for travelers but keep an eye out for risks such as dark, empty streets in Old San Juan and other San Juan neighborhoods. In particular, exercise caution when venturing out to clubs in Santurce – this is a high-crime area at night.

  3. May 25, 2024 · Yes, Puerto Rico is safe to visit right now. In 2019, the World Bank confirmed that 4,931,000 international visitors arrived in Puerto Rico, a number that’s rebounded once travel restrictions were lifted. Virtually all of these tourists had a problem free vacation.

  4. No, you’re not required to have a negative Covid-19 test result to travel to Puerto Rico, nor are you required to have proof of vaccination. Masks are no longer mandated, except in instances where there will be more than 1,000 people in the vicinity.

  5. Dec 1, 2023 · Is it safe to travel to Puerto Rico? Traveling to Puerto Rico is generally safe, but like any destination, it comes with certain risks, particularly related to natural disasters. The Island has significantly recovered from Hurricane Maria in September 2017 and a string of minor earthquakes in 2020.

  6. Mar 14, 2024 · Puerto Rico is generally safe for tourists, but hey—stay aware and cautious. Pickpockets and robbers are after the small treasures: cash, flashy jewelry, phones, and cameras. So keep a watchful eye, especially on public transport, bus stations, public beaches, restaurants, and venues.

  7. Stay safe around water. Swim only in designated swimming areas. Obey lifeguards and warning flags on beaches. Practice safe boating—follow all boating safety laws, do not drink alcohol if driving a boat, and always wear a life jacket. Do not dive into shallow water. Do not swim in freshwater in developing areas or where sanitation is poor.

  8. May 8, 2024 · Puerto Rico is generally safe for tourists, with a crime rate lower than many mainland U.S. cities. But like any popular destination, there are certain precautions one should take. The local police presence in tourist areas and along Puerto Rico's beaches helps keep things orderly; however, petty crime does exist as it would anywhere else.

  9. Jul 20, 2023 · Puerto Rico is mainly a safe place to visit. As with any popular tourist destination, though, petty crime can occur. To avoid any trouble, keep your personal belongings secure and stay aware of your surroundings. The good news is that most tourist areas are well-patrolled and maintained.

  10. Aug 16, 2021 · Puerto Rico is no less safe for solo travelers than any other place, so long as lone visitors take precautions like not walking alone at night, avoiding crime-popular areas, and keeping track of possessions at all times.