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  1. Aug 29, 2016 · You are all right when you say that the original expression was "pretty is as pretty does", with the meanings you have already explained. But, apparently, nowadays it is widely used (check number of hits in a Google search), at least in the US, with the new form "petty is as petty does" to talk about small-minded or mean attitudes or comments. D.

  2. Jan 7, 2019 · Hello everyone! I had a chat with someone and they were telling me about their neighbor and used the following phrase - I really don’t like her. She’s mad petty and extremely jealous of everybody. Could you explain to me what “ petty “ means in that context? I assume it’s like she’s sort of...

  3. Jan 13, 2019 · Petty bourgeoisie and great (rich) bourgeoisie are a class of people denounced by the Marxists. Petty bourgeoisie are people who are wealthier than the working class, but much poorer than the great bourgeoisie. According to Marxists, petty bourgeoisie admire the lifestyle of the great bourgeoisie, and look down upon the working class.

  4. Dec 6, 2006 · Hi, everyone, Risking being obvious, I would like to check if the only way I can understand "petty games" in this context is as "insignificant games": "I feel ashamed of being a man when mankind shows itself capable of such massacres of the innocent. Oh old Europe, always busy with your petty...

  5. Nov 14, 2014 · Hi! I know that the superlative for pretty is "the prettiest" but I've found in a google search some results with "the most pretty". I guess is incorrect but I would like to be sure, specially when there's so many people using it. Thank you in advance!

  6. Dec 29, 2010 · Like "Don't sweat the petty things", I mean, do you also say usually in english "Don't pet the sweaty things" in a figured sense? Brr, it is complicated for me to find a similar sentence in spanish that combines the sense and the "game of words" (el juego de palabras).

  7. Apr 11, 2009 · There is unfortunately a discrepancy between the petty cash slip and the actual money in the till.I was wondering if I can substitute variance or...

  8. May 17, 2021 · The reason that we don't, or cannot, say most pretty is because someone, or some group of people, decided that we cannot. It's counterintuitive to not be able to say most pretty. The general rule, or pattern, is that with more than one syllable, we use more and most. And with one syllable we use er and est endings.

  9. Apr 16, 2017 · If you feel sorry for someone, what is the best way to say, 1.I feel pity for you. 2.I pity you. 3.I pity on you. Does they all mean same.

  10. Jan 28, 2018 · It's worth pointing out that sweety [sweety] and sweaty [swetty] are pronounced differently and are not the same. The first refers to things or people that are sweet like sugar, while the second refers to the bodily secretion that's especially noticable when people have been exerting themselves physically or don't wash often enough.

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