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  1. Jan 29, 2020 · President Trump may believe, truly and without doubt, that he is offering the "deal of the century". It is a great deal for Mr Netanyahu and his government.

  2. The Trump Peace Plan was called by its proponents "the deal of the century," phrasing used by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a joint press conference with Donald Trump announcing the plan. Critics of the proposal were quick to offer variants of the phrase.

  3. Jan 28, 2020 · After much delay, President Trump has finally unveiled his Middle East peace plan — a plan he claims will lead to the deal of the century.” The problem? It’s likely dead on arrival.

    • No Mention of The Occupation...
    • Or Refugees
    • Jerusalem Is Off The Table
    • Israel Keeps A Low Profile
    • Us Still prioritises Arms For Israel
    • Us Tells Palestine: It's Your Fault
    • Education Questions Are Unanswered
    • 'Jared, Are We Giving Property Rights to Palestinians?'
    • Palestinians Are Customers, Not Citizens
    • Let Palestinians Eat Cake - and 5G

    The plan and its accompanying “programmes and projects” booklet run to 136 pages, detailing at length where the Palestinian economy needs a boost. But the White House fails to mention one issue, without which, according to the UN, the Palestinian economy would be more than double its current size: the Israeli occupation. As has been pointed out by ...

    Another word absent from the document is “refugee”. More than two million refugeeslive in Gaza and the West Bank, yet the Kushner plan fails to address how they are affected by the drastic cuts in US aid to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees. Yes, the plan dedicates $13.7bn in prospective funding to Lebanon and Jordan, now home to an est...

    In January 2018, Trump promised to take Jerusalem “off the table”. The "Peace to Prosperity” document does just that, failing to mention the holy city. This is in line with the US decision to move its embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018, thereby recognising it as the capital of Israel in spite of long-standing Palestinian claim...

    The document heavily downplays Israel’s role in regional tensions: when it is mentioned, it is usually tucked away amid a list of “neighbours” and “key trading partners” such as “Egypt, Israel and Jordan” rather than on its own. Some of the economic suggestions are set to benefit Israel financially, including the sale of water to Gaza, the West Ban...

    Kushner’s plan for Palestine says that it has the “potential to facilitate more than $50 billion in new investment over ten years”. But only $27.8bn of that will go directly to the occupied Palestinian territory, while the remainder will go to neighbouring states. That $27.8bn is around 27 percent less than the $38bn ten-year military aid dealthat ...

    With no mention on Israel’s role in the conflict, the White House emphasises that the Palestinians are responsible for their current predicament and that, should the "deal of the century" fail, it would be their own doing. “Ultimately, however, the power to unlock [this vision] lies in the hands of the Palestinian people,” the document reads at one...

    The Trump administration’s oversight of what prevents Palestine from growing is demonstrated nowhere better than when it comes to education. Here, the document concedes that “Palestinians have among the highest graduation rates in the region”, but does not explain why many Palestinian schools “are stretched beyond their capacity”. It emphasises the...

    Kushner’s plan places a large emphasis on Palestinians’ “property rights” - the phrase is used 13 times throughout the document. “Land registration is a critical step in the transformation of the Palestinian economy” it states on page 32. It later adds: “Strong property rights are critical to realizing this future.” The plan fails, however, to ment...

    “Peace to Prosperity” has clearly been authored by writers with a business background (Trump has long touted his experience as a businessman; Kushner is an investor and real estate promoter). The documents are full of management language that calls for a “business-friendly” approach to “unlocking human potential” through “investment-led growth” by ...

    The document's business-like approach includes several ambitious high-end goals, like turning Gaza into a “modern metropolitan city”, a central online e-government system, and developing 5G access across the Palestinian territory. Such proposals seem out of touch compared to the basic necessities of which many Palestinians are still deprived. For e...

  4. Jan 28, 2020 · Trump's 'deal of the century' is huge gamble. Smiles and sorrow for Trump's 'realistic' peace plan. The blueprint, which aims to solve one of the world's longest-running conflicts, was...

  5. Oct 19, 2023 · One manifestation of Trump’s pro-Israel strategy was his so-called ‘Peace to Prosperity’ plan, also dubbed the ‘Deal of the Century’ (DoC), 9 that placed more obstructions and complexities on the road to Palestinian emancipation, while leaving Israeli colonial policies unchecked.

  6. On January 28, 2020, US President Donald Trump formally announced his long-awaited Middle East Peace Plan to resolve the seven-decade-long Israeli–Palestinian conflict. He hailed it as "the...

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