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  1. The SAQ offers a wide selection of alcoholic beverages (wines, beers and spirits) available in more than 400 stores in Quebec, as well as a large number of products available for online purchase.

  2. La SAQ offre l'achat de boissons alcooliques (vins, bières et spiritueux) en magasin au Québec et propose aussi la vente en ligne.

  3. Discover our selection of wines, ciders, spirits, meads and other Quebec products.

  4. In each of the last ten years, the SAQ has remitted a dividend of more than a billion dollars to the Quebec government. In fiscal 2023-2024, the amount was $1.428 billion. What are the factors causing prices to fluctuate and what bargaining power does the government corporation have?

  5. May 8, 2024 · Licences, registration, traffic accidents, road safety, transportation of goods or vehicle adaptation: the SAAQs Web site lets you find what you are looking for!

  6. Immatriculer un véhicule. Auto, moto, camion, motoneige, tracteur de ferme, remorque…. Peu importe le véhicule, il faut le faire immatriculer. Suivre les étapes pour immatriculer un véhicule.

  7. Everything you need to know about registering a road vehicle with the SAAQ.

  8. De l’auto à la remorque, du train routier au scooter, tout ce qui touche l’immatriculation d’un véhicule au Québec se trouve ici.

  9. Telephone : 418 654-2950 or 1 866 654-2950. Email : Note: Information on products displayed on SAQ.COM, such as the vintage or the labelling of bottles, may vary depending on the lots received and may differ from the information on products in stock online and/or in stores.

  10. Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le permis de conduire : comment l’obtenir, le réobtenir, l’échanger, permis international, permis restreint, points d’inaptitude et plus encore.

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