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  1. What Is Granny Smith Apple Pie Spice Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    All-American Apple Pie
    It's the 4th of July...what better way to celebrate than with an All-American dish like homemade apple pie?? There are lots of recipes out there, but I prefer this one that calls for the addition of cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger for some added spice. Also, I like my apple pie overflowing with apples (an apple pie isn't supposed to be flat like a pumpkin or cream pie!) so this version has LOTS! The ingredients list granny smith, but I tend to use a variety, incorporating granny smith, gold delicious, and braeburn.
    Deep-Dish Apple Pie with Crumble Topping
    I got this recipe from lots of different sources. I couldn't find one I liked. So took what I liked and added my own spin and this is what came out. I love this recipe, because it has all the flavors of fall. A little trick I learned from my grandmother: use different types of apples for the best flavor. I use Granny Smith, Braeburn, and Golden Delicious, but you can use whatever you like. I serve it as is, but encourage the use of ice cream, whipped cream, or whatever addition the occasion calls for.
    Mince Pies (With Homemade Mincemeat)
    Unlike what the name implies, these little tarts are not made with meat. They are actually filled with spiced, slightly boozy dried fruit and encased in a tender sweet pastry. An absolutely must-have at Christmas time in the UK! We can get mincemeat in jars in the supermarket but I've provided a recipe for homemade mincemeat in case you can't buy it ready-made. Just be aware that you need to 'mature' the filling in the jar for at least 2 weeks so plan accordingly!