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  1. Édouard Beaupré, (January 9, 1881 – July 3, 1904) better known by his nickname "The Willow Bunch Giant" was a Canadian circus and freak show giant, professional wrestler, strongman, and star of Barnum and Bailey's circus.

  2. Known medically as a pathological giant, Edouard Beaupré, whose pituitary gland had gone “wild” by age three, had outgrown his parents by age nine. By age 18, he had even outgrown a typical prairie living.

  3. Édouard Beaupré est le géant le plus connu de lhistoire canadienne. Dès sa naissance, une tumeur de l’hypophyse, à l'origine d'une sécrétion exagérée des hormones sécrétées habituellement par le lobe antérieur de l'hypophyse, entraîna le gigantisme d'Édouard Beaupré.

  4. Ce gentil géant de Willow Bunch, un village de la Saskatchewan, est classé comme l’un des hommes les plus grands de toute l’histoire. Mesurant 2,52 mètres, Édouard Beaupré, dit le géant ...

  5. Jan 27, 2024 · L'autrice Marjolaine Bouchard raconte comment le géant Beaupré a été exhibé, oublié, puis récupéré, et finalement inhumé, presque 100 ans après sa mort. Édouard Beaupré est né à ...

  6. At the time of his death he was 8 feet 3 inches tall and weighed 375 pounds. His was a case of pituitary gigantism and his height made him the fifth-largest known giant. Following an autopsy, Beaupré’s body was turned over to the undertakers Eberle and Keyes for embalming and burial.

  7. Aug 9, 2023 · Jessie Short is making a documentary on her great Uncle Édouard Beaupré, pictured standing behind another man of more normal height. Beaupré was a Canadian wrestler, strongman and circus star.

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