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  1. 학사일정. 제15회 계원전국중학생 음악콩쿠르 개최 안내. 2025학년도 대학수학능력시험 9월 모의평가 졸업생 신청 방법. 마약류 등 유해 약물 근절 캠페인. 제43회 전국 초중학생 무용경연대회 특별상 수상내역. 더보기. (음악과)2024-7,8월 방과후학교 수업비 납부 ...

  2. About About Kaywon. Imagination, Fever, Magic A Special Venue for Creators, the World of Creators

  3. Kaywon School of Arts opened as the first art middle school in Gyeonggi-do in 2010. With the vision of cultivating creative artistic talents to lead the 21st century, we discover talented students at an early age and provide systematic and professional education in fine art, music and dance.

  4. Oct 18, 2022 · In Seoul, Kim was enrolled in Kaywon High School of Arts where many famous Korean drama actors and actresses such as So Yoo-Jin, Kang Hong Seok and Cho Seung-woo attended as well.

  5. Intermedia Art. Educational Objectives. The goal of the Intermedia Art Department is to form a platform for future-oriented art education, in which various media outlets and genres can coexist and merge with each other.

  6. Kaywon School of Art and Design. University of California, Irvine. Arts. South Korea. 2009-2010. Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program.

  7. The building was transformed into exhibit spaces by Schooley Caldwell Associates. The exhibition represented 26 centuries of China's past and includes work by the very finest artisans serving China's feudal rulers, or the "Sons of Heaven".

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