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  1. Māris Kučinskis (born 28 November 1961) is a Latvian politician, who served as the prime minister of Latvia, from 2016 to 2019.

  2. Māris Kučinskis (dzimis 1961. gada 28. novembrī) ir latviešu politiķis, bijušais Latvijas Republikas Ministru prezidents (2016—2019). Ievēlēts 14. Saeimā no apvienības "Apvienotais saraksts".

  3. Dec 16, 2022 · On 14 December, the Saeima expressed its confidence in the new Minister for the Interior Māris Kučinskis, who has significant professional experience in public administration, as well as in the Saeima and local government.

  4. Dec 14, 2022 · 14. decembrī Saeima izteica uzticību jaunajam iekšlietu ministram Mārim Kučinskim, kuram ir nozīmīga profesionālā pieredze valsts pārvaldē, kā arī Saeimā un pašvaldību darbā. M. Kučinskis ir bijis septiņu Saeimas sasaukumu deputāts un no 2016. gada līdz 2019. gadam ieņēma Ministru prezidenta amatu.

  5. Cabinet of Ministers Government of the State of Latvia or the highest executive power of the State.. Cabinet composition Information on the composition of the government, comprising the Prime Minister and 14 sectoral ministers.

  6. Jan 13, 2016 · The centrist Union of Greens and Farmers leader was picked by the president to lead the country after the coalition partners failed to agree on a candidate. He will have to form a coalition government and present his cabinet to parliament.

  7. Cabinet of Ministers Government of the State of Latvia or the highest executive power of the State.. Cabinet composition Information on the composition of the government, comprising the Prime Minister and 14 sectoral ministers.