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  1. Aug 21, 2023 · 1. Cold Weather Stress. Excessive cold can make new grass to turn purple, with the discoloration in grass appearing uniformly sometimes but often in patches. The cold or cooler temperatures trigger this discoloration.

  2. Grass could turn purple due to nutrient deficiencies, acidic soil, water stress (over or under-watering), extreme temperatures, diseases like Pythium Blight or powdery mildew, pests such as chinch bugs or grubs, and environmental factors like pollution or chemical contamination.

    • Summer Patch. Appearing in irregular or circular shapes of yellowish colors, summer patch is found in lawns that have areas of hot, compacted soil, poor drainage, or are mowed too low.
    • Fairy Ring. With a distinct ring shape of a dark green or brown color, Fairy Ring can affect all species of turfgrass. The effects of this lawn disease vary depending on how well the grass is mowed, watered, and taken care of.
    • Powdery Mildew. Powdery mildew is a fungus that can be identified by the fine white filaments, called mycelium, that appear on blades of grass. Turf infected with powdery mildew can start out yellow and end up brown, eventually thinning or dying.
    • Pythium Blight. Pythium blight can create dark, greasy-looking spots in your lawn. This fungal lawn disease can also cause white fluff to appear in infected areas.
  3. Jun 19, 2023 · For instance, a homeowner may have noticed their grass turning purple due to unforeseen environmental changes or an unnoticed nutrient deficiency. This story emphasizes the importance of promptly identifying and addressing the causes of purple grass to restore the lawns health and aesthetics.

  4. Dec 20, 2023 · New grass turns purple due to insufficient nutrients, cold or freezing weather conditions, or disease infestation. If your lawn turns purple during warm conditions, you probably don’t water it deeply and consistently. Additionally, your grass may discolor if you don’t feed it enough fertilizer.

  5. Dec 28, 2021 · Well it may not be so green if you have a lawn fungus or disease. Fungus and diseases can devastate your yard and make it look like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie. But all hope is not lost! There are ways to identify and treat these pesky issues before they take.

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  7. Apr 7, 2023 · Your tall fescue lawn needs plenty of air to thrive, so ensure your lawn remains aerated. Over time and under heavy traffic, the soil can become compacted, resulting in a suffering lawn. To correct the problem, use a machine or manual tool to aerate your lawn in the fall or spring.

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