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  2. In probability theory, the expected value (also called expectation, expectancy, expectation operator, mathematical expectation, mean, expectation value, or first moment) is a generalization of the weighted average.

  3. Definition of expected value & calculating by hand and in Excel. Step by step. Includes video. Find an expected value for a discrete random variable.

  4. The expected value in statistics is the long-run average outcome of a random variable based on its possible outcomes and their respective probabilities. Essentially, if an experiment (like a game of chance) were repeated, the expected value tells us the average result we’d see in the long run.

  5. The expected value, or mean, of a discrete random variable predicts the long-term results of a statistical experiment that has been repeated many times. The standard deviation of a probability distribution is used to measure the variability of possible outcomes.

  6. Expected value (= mean=average): Definition Let $X$ be a discrete random variable with range $R_X=\{x_1,x_2,x_3, ...\}$ (finite or countably infinite). The expected value of $X$, denoted by $EX$ is defined as $$EX=\sum_{x_k \in R_X} x_k P(X=x_k)=\sum_{x_k \in R_X} x_k P_X(x_k).$$

  7. In probability theory, an expected value is the theoretical mean value of a numerical experiment over many repetitions of the experiment. Expected value is a measure of central tendency; a value for which the results will tend to.

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