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  1. Q: I want to know your views/knowledge on female genital mutilation (also know as FGM), i.e Female Circumcision) in Islam. I understand that this practice exists in certain parts of Islamic world such as Afghanistan and some African countries and the Bohra Muslim community in India too. But it is purely subjected to.

    • FGM in The Qur'an and Hadith
    • FGM in Islamic Law
    • The History of FGM
    • The Origins of FGM
    • Islamic Doctrine Creating Social Conditions Favourable to FGM
    • FGM and The Uses of Trauma
    • FGM as Un-Islamic
    • See Also

    There is no explicit reference to Female Genital Mutilation in the Qur'an. However, the Quran 30:30 requires Muslims to 'adhere to the fitrah'. The word 'fitrah appears only this once in the Qur'an, and is left undefined and unexplained. To know what 'fitrah means, traditional scholars turned to hadith which make use of the word. Note that this had...

    Only one school of Islam - the Shafi'i - makes FGM universally obligatory. The other schools of Islam recommend it with differing levels of obligation. No school of Islam forbids FGM since nothing that Muhammad allowed can be prohibited.

    FGM since 622 CE

    reported that inland from Mogadishu a group has James Bruce also reports that the Catholic missionairies in Egypt thought Copts practiced excision “upon Judaic principles”, therefore, they “forbade, upon pain of excommunication, that excision should be performed upon the children of parents who had become Catholics”. Browne reported in 1799 that Egyptians practice female excision, and that infibulation to prevent pregnancy is general among female slaves, who come from the Black south. *** Oth...

    The roots of FGM as lie in polygyny, particularly the kind of extreme polygyny that existed at the heart of empires, where some men could become powerful and wealthy enough to afford harems of hundreds of concubines (the word 'concubine' is a euphemism for sex-slave). In a monogamous marriage a husband and wife can spend much time together (and thu...

    Debates concerning FGM and Islam are generally conducted in terms of what Islamic doctrine explicitly decrees concerning FGM. But moral entities (which can be institutions, groups, individuals and ideologies) are responsible not just for what they explicitly command or forbid, but also for what they allow, what they encourage, and what they indirec...

    Islamic FGM is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a 'Rite of Passage'. Rites of Passage are essentially symbolic whilst FGM is functional (as a chastity assurance measure) and technical (its performance is more akin to, for example, a visit to the dentist than a religious service). But the FGM practiced where Islamic influence is weakest (e.g. coa...

    As the above quote suggests, the idea that FGM might be un-Islamic appears to be relatively new. The earliest fatwa clearly critical of FGM appears to be from 1984 and since then there have been fatwas critical of FGM. However, most are favourable towards the practice. (see Modern Fatwas) An Ngram for the terms ‘fgm’, ‘female genital mutilation’ an...

  2. Answer: assalamu alaykum. FGM as clitoridectomy (partial or total removal of the clitoris), excision (partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora), infibulation (narrowing of the vaginal opening), and other harmful procedures to the genital area is not permitted in Islam.

  3. Nov 27, 2023 · Peculiar Traditions. Female Genital Mutilation (Arabic: ختان المرأة) is the practice of cutting away and altering the external female genitalia for ritual or religious purposes. It can involve both or either Clitoridectomy and Excision. Clitoridectomy is the amputation of part or all of the clitoris (or the removal of the clitoral ...

  4. Sep 29, 2021 · This narration is suspicious for the following reasons: 1- This Hadith is not supported by any verse of the Holy Qur’an. 2- It is regarded as a ‘weak tradition’ amongst countless Islamic scholars. 3- Imam Abu Dawood, the very collector of this Hadith, himself declared this narration as dubious, noting: ‘It is a weak tradition, and its ...

  5. A: Muslims do not subscribe to any hearsay nor do we attach any importance to the news. It is the style of the news to distort information and to humiliate people that it does not agree with. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) This answer was collected from ...

  6. There is a widespread view among practitioners of female genital mutilation (FGM) that it is a religious requirement, [2] [3] [4] [8] although prevalence rates often vary according to geography and ethnic group. [9] There is an ongoing debate about the extent to which the practice's continuation is influenced by custom, social pressure, lack of ...

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