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  1. 騰勢Denza D9旗艦雙馬達四驅版香港首試:建基e平台3.0電動車底盤 體積比Alphard/Vellfi. 星島網為星島集團旗下的星島日報網站。. 提供本港及世界各地新聞、升學及教育、地產、財經、馬經、時尚及文化等資訊;包括星島日報、即時新聞、專欄文章、專家及KOL評論。.

  2. 全方位多角度的香港新聞即時新聞城中熱話網上熱話專題報道中國及國際新聞。.

  3. 1 day ago · 即時新聞頻道提供專業的即時新聞分析評論及多元化資訊包括突發新聞法庭新聞政府政策訊息城中熱話及趣聞等。.

  4. 深中通道︱首發團遇大塞車6小時始抵中山 團友內急廁所排長龍. 深中通道今日30日下午3時正式通車深圳來往中山車程將縮短至30分鐘內。. 永東直巴推出首發專車套票」,包香港來回中山車票一晚酒店及下午茶每人249元。. 有報團市民形容心情興奮 ...

  5. The Sing Tao Daily (Chinese: 星島日報) (also known as Sing Tao Jih Pao) is among Hong Kong's oldest Chinese language newspapers. It is owned by Sing Tao News Corporation, of which Kwok Ying-shing (Chinese: 郭英成) is chairman. Its English language sister paper is The Standard.

  6. 加拿大中文新聞網-星島日報Canadian Chinese Newspaper提供溫哥華多倫多卡爾加裡及中國大陸香港台灣地區熱點新聞News of Vancouver Toronto Calgary and China Mainland,HongKong,TaiWan。.

  7. 星島日報, Hong Kong. 54,080 likes · 6,720 talking about this · 65 were here. 《星島日報》報道香港社會、兩岸國際大事,為讀者精選政治、教育、財經及地產等範疇最新消息。

  8. 2 days ago · 購物免稅額提升 內地旅客會更頻密訪港消費. 內地居民赴港澳購物免稅額度提高到1.2萬元人民幣(下同),連同口岸進境免稅店商品,增至1.5萬元。. 多名內地旅客及本港市民昨日在西九高鐵站接受星島訪問時均表示支持新措施有旅客表示日後會更頻 ...

  9. Sing Tao (Chinese: 星島日報. One of the most widely read newspapers published in Hong Kong. The newspaper owned by Sing Tao News Corporation Limited. The Sing Tao has bureaus in major cities including Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Sydney, London, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

  10. Sing Tao Daily. Inaugurated on 1 August 1938, Sing Tao Daily is the longest-standing Chinese-language newspaper in Hong Kong and is internationally recognized as one of the world's most widely-circulated Chinese dailies.

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