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  1. Feb 24, 2022 · Critics contend that, in focusing on personal risk, Leonhardt is giving us permission to stop caring about people who are still in danger — in particular, the disabled and immunocompromised.

  2. So I'd like to share 4 principles that you can use immediately to stop (or at least significantly reduce) caring about what other people might think about you. So if you have low self-esteem and constantly modifying your language and behaviour in order to get people to like you... this is for you.

    • In Your Personal Life
    • In Romance
    • At Work

    1. Create and enforce boundaries.

    Boundaries are the foundation of healthy relationships. Every person has limits on what they find to be acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Unfortunately, not many people actually take the time to think about their boundaries and define them. That’s an important step to take because it removes the confusion and ambiguity that often comes with emotional situations. It’s easy to make bad decisions when you’re flooded with stress and emotion. Instead, you make that decision ahead of time, so y...

    2. Don’t over-invest in other people.

    People who care too much will often find that it’s not a reciprocal relationship. They will devote excessive energy to worrying and fussing over the people they care about, while those people won’t devote nearly as much energy back. Sure, they may care about you a lot; they may just not be wired in the same way that you are. Frankly, most people are primarily concerned with themselves and their own problems, first and foremost. A good way to manage these relationships is to exert an equal amo...

    3. Minimize your contact with negative people.

    Negative people have a problem for every solution. You’re not going to change the way they think. That’s something they have to do for themselves. Stop and make an assessment about the people you spend time with. How do they make you feel when you leave their presence? Do you feel happy and energized? Or do you feel drained and negative? Are you walking around with negative feelings because they are loading their problems and worries onto you? It’s good to be a supportive friend, but some peo...

    11. Take good care of yourself.

    A healthy relationship is between people who take appropriate care of themselves and one another. Unfortunately, far too many people try to use a relationship to either fix or avoid fixing themselves. Caring too much for a romantic partner can be a symptom of this. It’s a way to distract oneself from looking in the mirror at their own flaws because they’re so busy trying to care for their partner. That usually doesn’t end well. It doesn’t end well because the flaws or problems they have are s...

    12. Work on your trust issues.

    Trust issues will torpedo and sink a relationship in no time. Do you spend your time worrying about what your partner is doing when you’re not around? Do you worry they will cheat on you? Do you do things like call to check up on your partner when they have a night out? People will regularly excuse this kind of behavior in themselves as “caring too much.” They are vitally invested in ensuring that their partner is safe and cared for at all times while completely ignoring how controlling and u...

    13. Nurture reasonable expectations.

    Some people care too much with so much emotion that they have set themselves up for failure. They go into a relationship thinking that they will change their partner to match their vision. The relationship then becomes emotional chaos when the partner fails to live up to those expectations; or, worse, rejects them altogether. It’s good to care about your partner. It’s good to nurture and encourage their goals, growth, and desires. However, there will not be a happy ending if you try to force...

    18. Never forget, you are a replaceable cog in the machine.

    Are you the type of worker that says things like, “This place would fall apart without me!”? Do you spend your time constantly worrying about the next deadline? Do you maximize every single second of productivity that you possibly can? Do you volunteer for anything that needs to be done because you want to be perceived as a “go-getter?” Do you skip out on safety measures in the name of expediency? Do you work off the clock or through your breaks? You are setting yourself up for failure by car...

    19. Temper your expectations of your work environment.

    You must make sure your expectations are in line with what is reasonable with your work environment. For example, let’s say you get hired into a great company. They have a proven track record of promoting from within. They offer a living wage and benefits. They also offer options for you to get additional training, expand your knowledge, and earn more money. Fantastic. That sounds like a place you can actually have a career at. On the other hand, maybe the job isn’t so good. Maybe they underp...

    20. Keep your personal and professional life separate.

    There are far too many businesses that blur the lines between your personal and professional life. People who care too much about the job are perfect targets for this sort of thing because they often have poor boundaries. Keep your personal and professional life separated as much as you can. How do you create healthy boundaries with work? Do not install work-related apps on your personal devices. Do not check your email or answer phone calls from work when you are off the clock. You do not ex...

  3. Apr 30, 2021 · These four steps to help you stop worrying about what other people think, designed to help you maintain healthier and happier relationships with yourself and others.

  4. May 19, 2024 · Under President Biden, bipartisan majorities have passed major laws on infrastructure and semiconductor chips, as well as laws on veterans’ health, gun violence, the Postal Service, the aviation...

  5. Sep 24, 2023 · It also provides us with a level of freedom that comes from preventing adversity from eroding our peace of mind and instead allowing us the freedom to focus on what matters, to use judgement to filter out opinions and comments from others, and to decide how we respond to what happens around us.

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  7. Aug 26, 2016 · Take back your power with these 5 steps on dealing with difficult people! Own your reactions and actions, and shift the dynamic to lessen the sting inflicted by a negative person.

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