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  1. Nov 21, 2023 · Early on in the diaries of Robert Lord, I found a kindred spirit. It was in this one simple sentence, written during the New Zealand playwright’s time in New York, where he bounced to and...

  2. Jan 14, 2024 · If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: In the Bible, a kindred spirit is someone who shares a deep spiritual connection or union with another person. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the meaning of kindred spirit in the Bible by looking at the various passages where this term appears.

  3. Aug 28, 2017 · She viewed a kindred spirit as one who saw things and cared for life in the same manner that she did. Interestingly, this term is found in the NASB version in Philippians 2:20. Paul says of Timothy, "For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare."

  4. Jan 18, 2014 · A kindred spirit, according to Gammel, is “the fellow feeling, the sharing of sentiments, and the agreement of minds.” It is important for both girls and boys to feel camaraderie with a peer, a matching of minds, to have that faithful companion.

    • Overview
    • What Is a Kindred Spirit?
    • Signs You’ve Found a Kindred Spirit
    • Do You Fall in Love With Your Kindred Spirit?
    • How Are Kindred Spirits Different From Twin Flames or Soulmates?
    • What Role Does a Kindred Spirit Play in Your Life?

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    A kindred spirit is someone who shares the same interests, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, values, and attitudes as you. When you meet your kindred spirit, chances are you will hit it off immediately, as you recognize your spirit and energy in each other.

    Kindred spirits are compatible, like-minded people who form strong bonds with each other based on shared perspectives, says Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University.

    A connection with a kindred spirit may be fleeting, where you spend only a brief time together but share an intense bond. Or, it may be lifelong, where you manage to maintain a strong connection despite time or distance, says Dr. Romanoff.

    These are some signs you’ve found a kindred spirit:

    •Common interests: Kindred spirits generally have a lot in common with each other, says Dr. Romanoff. For instance, you may share the same hobbies, opinions, or values.

    •Immediate connection: Kindred spirits tend to recognize each other quickly and form an immediate connection. You may have a sense that you know them, regardless of how new they are to your life, says Dr. Romanoff.

    •Strong bond: Kindred spirits tend to form strong bonds with each other that often transcend time and distance, says Dr. Romanoff.

    •Shared energy: Kindred spirits often have a unique, shared energy that stems from having the same beliefs and passions. It can feel like you’re able to read their mood or mind, says Dr. Romanoff, probably because you’re often thinking or feeling the same thing.

    •High degree of comfort: Kindred spirits tend to experience a high degree of comfort with each other. You may feel safe and calm in their presence, and have a high degree of trust in them, even if you’ve just recently met, says Dr. Romanoff.

    While you may have a romantic connection with a kindred spirit, it can also be a platonic relationship, such as a friendship or familial relationship.

    For instance, you might find a kindred spirit in a sibling, cousin, or grandparent, whom you feel aligned with, Dr. Romanoff explains. “It could also be a friend you meet in a workout class, a stranger at an event, a colleague at work, or a fellow traveler on a journey, whom you recognize as having a common passion or energy.”

    In fact, a kindred spirit is often described as a partner in crime or a lifelong friend rather than a romantic partner or a soulmate. “While falling in love is a possibility, kindred spirits typically have a very strong friendship,” says Dr. Romanoff. You might care about the person or even love them, without necessarily being in love with them.

    That said, it’s not impossible to fall in love with a kindred spirit who is a potential romantic partner. The deep connection and shared sense of understanding amongst kindred spirits can be a strong foundation for a relationship.

    Kindred spirits are not exactly the same as soulmates or twin flames. 

    For starters, soulmates and twin flames are limited to romantic relationships, whereas kindred spirits can also include friendships, familial relationships, and other types of platonic relationships.

    Furthermore, soulmates and twin flames are characterized by love, romance, and passion, whereas, kindred spirits are characterized by common interests and a shared sense of understanding.

    In fact, people who are soulmates or twin flames can be complementary opposites; whereas, kindred spirits are usually very similar to each other, says Dr. Romanoff.

    A kindred spirit can play many important roles in your life. They can offer:

    •Companionship: Kindred spirits can offer enjoyable companionship. Participating in shared interests together can be fun and engaging. Research shows that companionship provides happiness, social satisfaction, and greater psychological well-being.

    •Validation: A kindred spirit often shares the same beliefs, which can be validating. They can be a safe space for you to express yourself authentically and offer a deep sense of belonging. Emotional validation can help you feel seen, heard, and accepted.

    •Emotional support: A kindred spirit can be a strong support system, says Dr. Romanoff. The person tends to understand you on a deeper level, without the need for lengthy explanations. A 2022 study notes that emotional support can help protect against negative emotions like fear, distress, and loneliness.

    •Inspiration: A kindred spirit can introduce you to new ideas and experiences related to your shared interests, which can broaden your horizons and motivate you to pursue your goals. They can inspire you to take risks that can help you achieve what you really want in life, says Dr. Romanoff.

    •Personal growth: Often, kindred spirits hold up a mirror for us to learn more about ourselves, be more self-aware, and grow as people, says Dr. Romanoff.

  5. Mar 22, 2020 · It could be a family member you have a deep friendship with. Or it could be a stranger you meet at an event and instantly feel drawn to, says Manly. A kindred spirit need not even be humansometimes it's a pet you have an instant connection with, says clinical psychologist Jaime Zuckerman.

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  7. Mar 13, 2024 · Kindred spirits, as described in the Bible, are individuals who have a strong spiritual bond rooted in their shared beliefs and values. They understand and support each other on their respective faith journeys, providing companionship, encouragement, and solace along the way.

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