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  2. Apr 23, 2021 · St. Mary Spital Augustinian Priory and Hospital covered the area known today as Spital Square. Standing outside the city walls it was bordered from the west by Bishopsgate Street where entrance was via the Great Gate and to the north where Folgate Street now stands.

  3. The view of St Mary Spital from Wyngaerde's "Panorama of London in 1543." The cemetery at St Mary Spital is responsible for providing some of the most significant bioarchaeological insights about health in medieval London, with a total of 10,516 bodies unearthed.

  4. Sep 16, 2024 · The hospital or priory of the Blessed Virgin Mary without Bishopsgate, sometimes known as the new hospital without Bishopsgate, and later usually called St. Mary Spital, was situated on the east side of Bishopsgate Street, near the site of the City bars.

    • Chapter IV - The Precinct of St. Mary Spital: The Priory Site
    • The Extent of The Precinct
    • Position of The Priory Buildings
    • The Priory Gates
    • The Candle House and TheBrick House
    • Domestic Buildings in Theprecinct in 1580
    • Occupants of The Formerprecinct

    On 10 November 1542 Stephen Vaughan,described as the King's servant, (fn. n1) was grantedin fee the reversion of various leases ofland within the precinct (fn. n2) granted by the priorbetween 1531 and 1538, and by the King toNicholas Bristowe on 10 December 1540 (fn. 2) Theprior's leases were of 'le oldehalle' and a 'gardenplatte' to Joan Rosse or ...

    The extent of the precinct at the time of theDissolution can be indicated only approximately.As has been seen, in the early thirteenth centurythe priory precinct lay between Bishopsgate Streeton the west and Lolesworth field on the east, andwas further defined as lying between Shoreditchparish on the north and Berewardeslane on thesouth. The existe...

    There is no certain evidence of the exact positionof the priory church, cloister and relatedbuildings, but they probably occupied a site near toor north of the later western arm of Spital Square (fn. n4).In 1892 sixteen medieval tiles that may have belongedto St. Mary Spital were found, apparentlynear the northern corner of the west arm of theSquar...

    The evidence for the position of the west gateor gates to the priory, providing access fromBishopsgate Street, is exceedingly confusing; theconclusion which may tentatively be drawn is thatthere were two gates, one at the present westernend of Folgate Street and one at the presentwestern end of Spital Square. The former is theposition customarily g...

    The position of the Candle House and of abuilding sometimes mentioned in conjunctionwith it, called the Brick House, is not, despite thelease of the gateway recited in 1542, altogetherclear. In 1536 the prior leased to William Wyld,citizen and merchant tailor, for ninety-nine yearsa tenement within the cemetery, ‘over and against’the pulpit cross, ...

    A considerable amount of information aboutthe new and old buildings within the precinct in1580 is contained in a lease of that year granted bythe younger Stephen Vaughan to Robert Hare, (fn. 32)but not in such a way that the layout can beaccurately determined (fig. 8). The chiefproperty leased was described as a ’principaltenement or messuage … sum...

    The occupants of the former precinct after theDissolution included persons of some rank anddistinction. The will of Stephen Vaughan, madein October 1549, mentions ’one tenement withinthe gate of Saint mary Spittell nowe in the tenureof Sir Thomas Wyatt, knight’; (fn. 15) this was presumablythe conspirator against Queen Mary,although Wyatt seems to ...

  5. Apr 21, 2020 · It is only from the time that the hospital was refounded in 1235 that we can clearly chart the development of St Mary Spital, and trace how generations of priors, canons, and lay supporters were able to turn a small roadside hospital into a large suburban London monastery.

    • Current Archaeology
  6. The cemetery at St Mary Spital is responsible for providing some of the most significant bioarchaeological insights about health in medieval London, with a total of 10,516 bodies unearthed.

  7. St. Mary Spital was an Augustinian Priory and Hospital on the east side of Bishopsgate Street. The Priory dates from 1197 . The old precinct of St. Mary Spital is visible on the Agas map.

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