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  1. May 11, 2024 · founded interfilm more than 40 years ago and has promoted interfilm internationally through various on-site contacts with filmmakers and institutions. He cross-searches the festival, curates with colleagues the Environmental Film Competition and is a curator and jury member at festivals worldwide. Viewing and Co-Curation: Green Film Competition

  2. › productions ›

    Interfilm Mi smo Interfilm, kreativna produkcijska kuća iz Zagreba, Hrvatska. Počeli smo ranih devedesetih producirajući TV reklame, glazbene spotove i kratke video uratke. Ubrzo je uslijedio naš prvi veliki projekt – samostalna produkcija dugometražnog igranog filma. Od tada smo producirali više od 30 dugometražnih filmova.

  3. interfilm’s goal is to search out skilled and creative filmmakers and bring their work together - presenting them in an international, culturally political framework in order to best facilitate the exchange of imaginative ideas. interfilm offers a wide variety of short live-action, animation and documentaries to enthusiastic audiences who value the short film format in its own right.

  4. May 11, 2024 · BEER! BEER! is an anti-romantic comedy set in the early morning after a wild party in Berlin. While Tao, a Chinese, and Sebastian, a white German, get closer and closer, Tao realizes that Sebastian is very superficial and he loses interest. At least he still lets him carry home a mattress he finds on the street.

  5. › wiki › InterfilmInterfilm - Wikipedia

    Interfilm was an American film production company founded by Bob Bejan in 1992 that produced interactive films. History [ edit ] In August 1993, Interfilm Inc. filed an initial offering of two million common shares with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission .

  6. The OCUL Video Community brings together OCUL members who have roles in supporting video, media and Audio-visual material of all types. The Community will work together to: This Community will complement the work of the Interfilm Group which has existed since the 1960s. Interfilm was created to share information around audiovisual material and ...

  7. Nov 7, 2023 · Deconstructing Narratives at Interfilm 39. Interfilm, founded in 1982 amid the vibrant atmosphere of Kreuzberg’s squats, is soon to present its 39th edition in 2023. As the oldest and largest short film festival in Berlin, Interfilm unites international filmmakers and cinema-goers year after year. The festival has a history that has earned it ...