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  1. The Lau is a large, carnivorous, tentacled dinosaur-like creature that is said to stalk the dense, papyrus filled swamps around central Sudan’s Lake No. It is usually described as an immense Elasmosaur-like creature (which can grow from 12- to 100-feet in length) with a long tapering neck, yellowish brown pigmentation and a body which has been compared to a donkey with flippers, the Lau’s ...

  2. Oggie is a legendary lake monster purportedly inhabiting Lake Onondaga in Syracuse, New York State. Described as a colossal salamander-like creature, Oggie has been the subject of local lore and fascination, capturing the imagination of residents and visitors alike.[1] The tale of Oggie traces back to the early 1970s, when reports of a mysterious creature roaming the depths of Lake Onondaga ...

  3. Chessie is a large serpent-like animal that allegedly lives in the Chesapeake Bay. Over the years there have been many sightings of a serpent-like creature without any flippers or horns on its body. Most sightings describe it as a long, snake-like creature, from 25 feet (7.6 m) to 40 feet (12 m) long. It is said to swim using its body as a sine curve moving through the water. There are no ...

  4. Pale Crawlers are a phenomenon, usually enigmatic entities that appear at night. They are humanoid creatures described as thin and pale, with long limbs with claws and large black eyes. They are known to be incredibly fast, stealthy, and smart. While unconfirmed it is likely that pale crawlers are hyper aggressive. June 14th, 2008: Near a forested area in Higgins Lake, Michigan, in which two ...

  5. Over the past few years, rumors have circulated in Japan about the existence of arctic Humanoid Lifeforms inhabiting the icy waters of the Antarctic. Reportedly observed on multiple occasions by crew members of government-operated "whale research" ships, these so-called "Ningen (人間, "Ningen", meaning "human") are said to be completely white in color with an estimated length of 20 to 30 ...

  6. The Goatman is a humanoid cryptid most commonly associated with Louisiana, Maryland and Texas. It is described as a seven foot tall hybrid creature; part man and part goat. Some claim it is a relative of the New Orleans evil chupacabra-like cryptid the Grunch. The urban legends often tell of it killing young couples in parked cars or scouring neighbourhoods killing family pets. There are also ...

  7. The Sheepsquatch, also known as the "White Thing", is a woolly-haired cryptid reported across numerous counties in West Virginia, predominantly within the southwestern region of the state. The counties with the most sightings are Boone, Kanawha, Putnam and Mason, with a surge in sightings taking place in Boone County during the mid-1990s. It is described as being a quadruped about the size of ...

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