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  1. The Aztec sun stone (Spanish: Piedra del Sol) is a late post-classic Mexica sculpture housed in the National Anthropology Museum in Mexico City, and is perhaps the most famous work of Mexica sculpture.

  2. La Piedra del Sol, también llamada Calendario Azteca, es un disco monolítico de basalto de olivino con inscripciones alusivas a la cosmogonía mexica y los cultos solares. La razón de su otro nombre es que incluye en sus inscripciones la cuenta de los días, las eras y aspectos calendáricos.

  3. The Sun Stone, or Piedra del Sol, is a representation of the Aztec concept of time, its cyclical nature, and the relationship between the gods and humans. In one...

  4. La Pierre du Soleil (en espagnol, Piedra del Sol) souvent appelée abusivement calendrier aztèque [1] ou au contraire de manière plus exacte cuauhxicalli [2], est une des œuvres les plus célèbres et emblématiques de l'art aztèque [2], [3].

  5. Feb 5, 2019 · The Aztec Calendar Stone, better known in the archaeological literature as the Aztec Sun Stone (Piedra del Sol in Spanish), is an enormous basalt disk covered with hieroglyphic carvings of calendar signs and other images referring to the Aztec creation myth.

  6. The Piedra del Sol, or sun stone, is one of the most famous pieces in Mexico's National Museum of Anthropology. This carved stone disk symbolizes the conception of the time for...

  7. 'Piedra del Sol' was discovered in December 1790 during works on the Plaza Mayor. Miscalled the 'Aztec Calendar', it symbolizes the conception of time for the Mexicas, despite not...

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