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  1. The Legend of Saint Nicholas. This story, also in Spanish, is shared with school children as part of the Saint Nicholas Project by the Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona. Long ago, in a far off land known today as Turkey, there was a boy named Nicholas. Nicholas was a person who created numerous miracles and accomplished many good deeds.

  2. The first Europeans to arrive in the New World brought St. Nicholas. Vikings dedicated their cathedral to him in Greenland. On his first voyage, Columbus named a Haitian port for St. Nicholas on December 6, 1492. In Florida, Spaniards named an early settlement St. Nicholas Ferry, now the St. Nicholas neighborhood in Jacksonville.

  3. May 28, 2024 · Santa Claus, legendary figure who is the traditional patron of Christmas in the United States and other countries, bringing gifts to children. His popular image is based on traditions associated with Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian saint. Father Christmas fills the role in many European countries. Somebody Knew I Was Coming, a depiction ...

  4. For 750 years St. Nicholas' tomb in Myra was an ever-increasingly popular pilgrimage site as reverence for the saint grew and spread throughout the Christian world. As a bishop, Nicholas, servant of God, was first and foremost a shepherd of the people, caring for their needs. His active pursuit of justice for his people was demonstrated when he ...

  5. Saint Nicholas is a legendary figure in European folklore based on the Greek early Christian bishop Nicholas of Myra, patron saint of children. On Saint Nicholas Day , children wait for Saint Nicholas to come and put a present under their pillow or in a boot on their windowsill, provided that the children were good during the year.

  6. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors and is often called upon by sailors who are in danger of drowning or being shipwrecked. According to one legend, as a young man Nicholas went to study in Alexandria and on one of his sea voyages from Myra to Alexandria he is said to have saved the life of a sailor who fell from the ship's rigging in a storm.

  7. Dec 13, 2023 · The man in red began appearing in American culture in the 18th century when in December 1773, a newspaper in New York reported on a story about Dutch settlers celebrating St Nicholas Day. Sinterklaas was anglicised to Santa Claus and in 1804, John Pintard of the New York Historical Society, gave woodcuts of St Nicholas as gifts at the society ...

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