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  1. 4 days ago · Water the garlic plants well before starting the transplant to ensure the roots are hydrated. Gently dig around the plant, preserving as much of the surrounding soil and root structure as possible. If transplanting in spring, aim for a root ball at least the size of a softball to protect the delicate roots. Trim the top 4-6 inches of the leaf ...

  2. 1 day ago · Garlic should be planted in mid-October, as the goal is not to achieve foliage growth but to establish roots before going into winter. Garlic which is well established in the spring will give you an earlier harvest in the summer. Before putting away the planting trowels this year, give a fall crop a try. Fresh salads await you this fall!

  3. 4 days ago · Radishes. Radishes are quick-growing root vegetables perfect for impatient gardeners. Planting Time: These can be planted later in the fall since they mature quickly, in about 3-4 weeks. Spacing: Plant seeds about 1/2 inch deep and space them 1 inch apart. Soil: Like carrots, radishes prefer well-drained, loose soil.

  4. 3 days ago · Plant in fall, mulch, and harvest scapes by June. Garlic is the perfect root crop for short-season growers. Hardneck varieties are ideal for cold climates. Plant seed garlic in the fall with nitrogen-rich fertilizer to promote strong root formation. Mulch heavily to protect them from frost, then leave it alone until spring.

  5. 20 hours ago · Keep this slower pace in mind when you check seeds for days to maturity. Early August is the right time to make your last planting of bush beans, carrots, sweet corn, kale, collards, bibb lettuce ...

  6. 6 days ago · Last year I deliberately planted later in the fall because my bulbs in prior years were producing lots of small cloves and few of the nice fat ones I used to get. I always plant them well spaced in well prepared soil and cover with a good mulch of a Soil Pep type material, water and weed well.

  7. 2 days ago · The herbs section covers the 14 main annual and perennial culinary herbs. And garlic, which I count as a vegetable. I advocate for planting garlic in the fall, long past the “111 days before first frost date” that is given here as the last planting date. And I wouldn’t start planting garlic in spring 21-35 days before the last frost date ...

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