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  1. 1 day ago · Agoston Haraszthy, the visionary founder of Wollersheim, is celebrated as a trailblazer in American viticulture. His journey from Prairie du Sac to the sunny expanses of Sonoma County, California, marked the beginning of his reign as the first commercial grape grower in that now-famous wine region.

  2. 1 day ago · Like Sonoma’s Agoston Haraszthy, Crabb was an avid experimenter, importer of grapes, and nurseryman. By the end of the 1870s Crabb had curated the largest collection of vinifera grape varieties in the United States.

  3. 5 days ago · L’inizio della vitivinicoltura negli Stati Uniti coincide con la rivoluzione industriale. Fino al 1850-1852 in America c’erano solo viti americane e non la vitis vinifera portata successivamente da Agoston Haraszthy, lo stesso che nel 1857 fondò nella Sonoma Valley la prima cantina della California: la Buena Vista Winery, tutt’oggi attiva.

  4. › about › capt-hancockCapt. G. Allan Hancock

    5 days ago · In 1857, Capt. Hancock's maternal grandfather, Agoston Haraszthy, a Hungarian count, founded California's first winery, Buena Vista Winery, in Sonoma County.

  5. 23 hours ago · Haraszthy Ágoston magyar földbirtokos, a pénzügyileg kifizetődő kaliforniai szőlőtermesztés és borászat megalapítója. Az 1830-as évektől a nemesség kapcsolata megromlott az uralkodó Habsburg házzal, Haraszthy barátságban volt Wesselényi Miklóssal és Kossuth Lajossal. Amerikai tanulmányútja után 1840-ben családjával együtt végleg kivándorolt az Egyesült ...

  6. 2 days ago · Events. Deadliest earthquake on record killed 830,000 in China– 1556. Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to receive an M.D. degree– 1849. Envelope machine patented– 1849. California vintner Agoston Haraszthy received 100,000 European grape vine cuttings.– 1862.

  7. 4 days ago · Events. Deadliest earthquake on record killed 830,000 in China– 1556. Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to receive an M.D. degree– 1849. Envelope machine patented– 1849. California vintner Agoston Haraszthy received 100,000 European grape vine cuttings.– 1862.

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