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  1. The Fourth Man in the Furnace. 24 Astonished, King Nebuchadnezzar stood up in terror, and asked his advisors, “Didn’t we throw three men into the fire, bound firmly with ropes?” In reply they told the king, “Yes, your majesty.”

  2. Jul 27, 2022 · So, who was this mysterious fourth man in the furnace? Most Christians understand this person to be the pre-incarnate Christ, the second Person of the Godhead. Another theory is that this fourth person is the Angel of the Lord who appeared to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3:2).

  3. Jan 30, 2020 · This fourth person is described as like “a son of the gods” (ESV), translating the phrase לְבַר־אֱלָהִֽין. What is different about this fourth person is not stated, but Nebuchadnezzar believes he is seeing some kind of divine being in the flames.

  4. 25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. 26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake, and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the most high God, come forth, and come ...

  5. May 11, 2022 · Suddenly Nebuchadnezzar saw not three men in the furnace — but also a fourth. All walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed — and proclaimed the fourth man looked like a “son of the gods” (Daniel 3:25).

  6. “I see four men, walking around freely in the fire, completely unharmed! And the fourth man looks like a son of the gods!” 26 Nebuchadnezzar went to the door of the roaring furnace and called in, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the High God, come out here!”

  7. “I see four men, unbound and unharmed, walking around in the fire—and the fourth looks like a son of the gods!” New American Bible Azariah stood up in the midst of the fire and prayed aloud:

  8. May 26, 2004 · This was perhaps motivated by the fourth man in the fire. Fortunately for the king and the rest, the fourth person did not come out with the other three. The king and his officials now witnessed the full extent of the miracle God had performed in their sight.

  9. Dec 8, 2016 · When Nebuchadnezzar looked into the flames, he expected to see the young men roasting to death. Instead, he saw them walking around, unharmed and unbound, and a fourth man walking with them. He called him “a son of the gods,” which is an amazing insight for a pagan king.

  10. Daniel 3:19-29 – The Fourth Man in the Fire. A. Nebuchadnezzar erects an image and demands everyone worship it. 1. (1) The image is made and set up. Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits. He set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. a.

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