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  1. 18 hours ago · Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter:@thomaslknapp) is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism ( He lives and works in north central Florida.

  2. 18 hours ago · Further, he provided sketches of the network of white and Black abolitionists with whom he worked: Quakers Thomas Garrett and John Hunn; abolitionists William Lloyd Garrison, J. Miller McKim, and Lewis Tappan; and African American activists William Whipper, Samuel Burris, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, and Harriet Tubman.

  3. 2 days ago · Led by the crusading white journalist William Lloyd Garrison, these abolitionists demanded the immediate end of slavery throughout the United States. Free blacks in the North lent their support to Garrison’s American Anti-Slavery Society, editing newspapers, holding conventions, circulating petitions, and investing their money in protest actions.

  4. 1 day ago · In the fervent aspirations of William Lloyd Garrison, I say, and let every heart join in saying it: God speed the year of jubilee. The wide world o’er. When from their galling chains set free,

  5. 3 days ago · “Discovered” and hired to lecture on the abolitionist circuit by William Lloyd Garrison in 1841, three years after he had made his escape from Baltimore, Douglass developed rhetorical devices common to sermons and orations and carried these over to his narrative, which abounds with examples of repetition, antithesis, and other classical ...

  6. 1 day ago · She wrote in the margin above the magazine’s masthead: “As you know [the editor] is a grandson of William Lloyd Garrison, the great Abolition editor. I think I told you I presided at a banquet in his honor here about a year ago.” Northern and Midwestern newspapers wondered what the uproar was all about.

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  8. 1 day ago · . it we deeply impressed upon my mind if mr. douglass could be persuaded to csecrate his time and talents to the promotion of the antislavery enterprise, a powerf impetus be given to it and a stunni blow at the same time inflicted on northern prejudice against a colored complexion. a couple of questions. who was william lloyd garrison, where ...