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  1. The Entente Cordiale represented the culmination of the policy of Théophile Delcassé (France's foreign minister from 1898 to 1905), who believed that a Franco-British understanding would give France some security in Western Europe against any German system of alliances (see Triple Alliance (1882)).

  2. Entente Cordiale, (April 8, 1904), Anglo-French agreement that, by settling a number of controversial matters, ended antagonisms between Great Britain and France and paved the way for their diplomatic cooperation against German pressures in the decade preceding World War I (1914–18).

  3. Oct 28, 2009 · On April 8, 1904, with war in Europe a decade away, Britain and France sign an agreement, later known as the Entente Cordiale, resolving long-standing colonial disputes in North Africa and ...

  4. Apr 8, 2024 · The Entente Cordiale was a series of agreements signed by France and the United Kingdom in 1904. This was not a formal alliance between the two countries, but served as a basis for a stronger Anglo-French relationship.

  5. L'Entente cordiale est le succès diplomatique par lequel la France et le Royaume-Uni tentent de régler leurs antagonismes, d'abord sous la monarchie de Juillet, sous le Second Empire, ainsi que plus tard sous la Troisième République.

  6. In the early 20th century, after a period of some tension between the two countries, Britain and France agreed to settle a number of outstanding colonial disputes. On April 8, 1904, four agreements were concluded in London, which established the Anglo-French Entente, or entente cordiale.

  7. Jun 8, 2018 · Entente cordiale. Friendly relations between England and France, stopping short of a formal alliance. The term was coined at Haddo House, the country home of the 4th earl of Aberdeen, by the French chargé d'affaires, the comte de Jarnac, in 1843.

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