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  1. How Do You Make Cornbread With Cornmeal Flour Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Cornmeal-Oatmeal Cranberry-Orange Loaf
    My husband, being a true Texan, loves cornbread almost as much as he loves me. I was not a great cornbread baker, so I bought The Cornbread Gospels by Crescent Dragonwagon to learn how to make his tummy happy, and what a great book that turned out to be. Every form and fashion of cornbread you can imagine, and (almost) all good. This recipe is from that book, and has earned rave reviews everywhere I have taken it. It's beautiful, and the essences of orange and cranberry combined with the crunchiness of stone ground cornmeal sets it apart from other quick breads, and it will leaving you wanting more. I hope you like it as well as we do.