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  1. Discover the meaning of Firstborn in the Bible. Study the definition of Firstborn with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  2. Jan 4, 2022 · Answer. In biblical times, the firstborn was given certain unique rights, responsibilities, and privileges. A married couple’s firstborn male child was given priority and preeminence in the family, and the best of the inheritance.

    • First-Begotten
    • Firstborn; Firstling
    • See Child; Circumcision; First-Begotten; Plagues of Egypt.
    • III. Conclusion
    • First-born.

    furst-be-got’-’-n (prototokos): This Greek word is translated in two passages in the King James Version by “first-begotten” (Heb 1:6; Rev 1:5), but in all other places in the King James Version, and always in the Revised Version (British and American), by “firstborn.” It is used in its natural literal sense of Jesus Christ as Mary’s firstborn (Lk 2...

    furst’-born, furst’-ling (bekhor; prototokos): The Hebrew word denotes the firstborn of human beings as well as of animals (Ex 11:5), while a word from the same root denotes first-fruits (Ex 23:16). All the data point to the conclusion that among the ancestors of the Hebrews the sacrifice of the firstborn was practiced, just as the firstlings of th...

    NOTE—The custom of redeeming the firstborn son is preserved among the Jews to this day. After thirty days the father invites the “Kohen,” i.e. a supposed descendant of Aaron, to the house. The child is brought and shown to the “Kohen,” and the father declares the mother of the child to be an Israelite. If she is a “Kohen,” redemption is not necessa...

    We thus conclude that in Col 1:15 the phrase proƒtotokos paseƒs ktiseoƒs is predicated of the preexistent Christ. Its thrust is to ascribe to him a primacy of status over against all of creation. This status is summarized by saying that he is God’s heir par excellence. The heirship is predicated upon his role in creation, preservation and teleology...

    I. In the Old Testament

    The Heb. root bkr, found in many Semitic languages, has the general meaning ‘(to be) early’. bÿk£o‚r, ‘first-born’ (fem. bÿk£i‚ra‚ b), is used of people and animals, cognate terms being employed for firstfruits, and the first-born son’s privileges and responsibilities are known as his ‘birthright’ (bÿk£o‚ra„h). In Gn. 25:23, the eldest son is called rab£, a description occurring elsewhere only in 2nd-millennium cuneiform texts. The first-born was regarded as ‘the beginning of (his) strength’...

    II. In the New Testament

    Jesus was the first-born (pro„totokos) of his mother (Mt. 1:25; Lk. 2:7), a phrase which allows, but does not demand, that Mary had other, later children (cf. Mk. 6:3; *Brethren of the Lord). As such, Jesus was taken to the Temple by Mary and Joseph to be offered to God (Lk. 2:22-24); since Luke omits mention of a price being paid to redeem the child, he may have intended the incident to be regarded as the dedication of the first-born to the service of God (cf. 1 Sa. 1:11, 22, 28). Jesus is a...

  3. Dec 14, 2016 · In the Bible the designation of firstborn often does mean the literal “one born first” but just as often – if not more often – it has different connotations, and knowing those meanings can help us to better understand a number of scriptures.

  4. Apr 19, 2018 · What does this word tell us about Jesus Christ? How is it used in the New Testament? The word under consideration is prototokos.

  5. Feb 15, 2024 · The “church of the firstborn” is comprised of all those whose names are written in heaven—believers of all ages, dead or alive. The Greek word for “church” simply means “assembly,” and that’s how the NLT and CSB translate it. But why is it called the church of the “firstborn?”

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  7. If a person believes that Jesus is the same person as God (the Father), or if they believe that Jesus was just a human who first came into existence when he was born on earth, that person is missing out on the true meaning and significance of being the firstborn.

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