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      • You may also be ready for a marathon if you have other running friends with similar fitness goals and experience who are doing it. This can also be an ideal situation as you could train together or be accountability partners. You will also need to be sure that you have the time and the willpower to train for and run a marathon.
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    • Join them for a workout. Whether you’re a runner too and can take on a Saturday long run with them, or you’d prefer to join a cross-training session with them instead, offering to join a marathoner for one of their many workouts is a gesture they won’t forget.
    • Donate to their fundraising campaign. Many races offer a charitable giving component, whereby runners are encouraged to raise a certain amount for a charity of their choice.
    • Get them some gear. While running itself is free, race training and all the associated gear and equipment can really add up. Why not get them a gift card to their favorite running store, buy them some socks, or gift them a nice foam roller for their post-run sessions?
    • Help them recover. A massage, a class pass for some restorative yoga sessions, or even a physical therapist appointment would be a lovely way to show you care about the beating their body is taking during weeks and months of training.
    • You Want to Prove You’Re A Runner
    • You Aren’T Genuinely Excited to Do It
    • Your Current Schedule Is Overloaded
    • Your Goal Is Weight Loss
    • You Care About How Your Feet Look
    • If You’Re Super New to Running, Wait
    • You Want to Keep Your Current Social Schedule
    • You Aren’T Dealing with Current Health Issues
    • You Honestly Don’T Care For Running

    Don’t run a marathon because you think that’s a requirement to be a runner. If you run, you are in fact a runner. A real runner isn’t about pace or distance, it’s a mindset.

    Don’t run a marathon if you don’t want to! It’s a lot of work if you don’t already enjoy running a 1/2 marathon. Trust me once you’re out there, it doesn’t feel like simply twice as long, it feels longer. You need to truly want this to commit to the training time and enjoy the experience.

    Don’t run a marathonif you’re already over committedin other areas of your life. It takes time to do it and not get injured.<<— not getting injured requires doing more than running! Busy people train for marathonsall the time, so it’s not impossible, but really look at your life and be honest about how much time you can and want to give to it right...

    Don’t run a marathon to lose weight. The unfortunate truth is that most first time marathon trainees gain weight because the body wants more calories due to increased activity and you justify those delicious ooeey gooey fresh from the oven cookies based on your new mileage. Plus I shared with you a killer story from my friend Tara who got her 6 pac...

    Don’t run a marathon if you need to have pretty feetfor a photo shoot. I’ve never had a black toenail from running, but I think I’m one of the lucky few. I do however have calluses and blisters. And honestly, in general, a lot of marathon training just isn’t glamorous! It’s looking exhausted after your first 18 mile run and walking sideways down st...

    Don’t run a marathon if you have to ask someone “how long isthismarathon?” Of course it’s your first and maybe you’re new to running, but you need to have been running long enough to have a small concept of 26.2 miles.

    Don’t run a marathon if your social life is KEY to your happinessand none of your friends are runners. It becomes harder as the miles grow to go out for late night fun when you’re Saturday is going to start 5AM! Additionally, you are going to TALK about running non-stop and need people who won’t throttle you for it.

    Don’t run a marathon if you’re having health issues…it won’t make them better. Marathon training can weaken your immune system without the right plan, coach and nutrition. While it could help you lose weight and strengthen your heart, if you have adrenal fatigue or other major issues this just isn’t the time. BUT you can run, checkout Low Heart Rat...

    Don’t run a marathon if you don’t enjoy running!!! Listen I’ve shared my story, which is similar to many others, that I didn’t love running right from the get go, but clearly now I can’t live without it. Soooo FALL in love with running first because you’re going to be spending way more time than you know doing it, thinking about it and talking abou...

    • Quality time to catch up and enjoy each others’ company. I’m lucky enough to have quite a few friends now who run and enjoy a nice little tour through the city streets on a cool weeknight or beautiful weekend morning.
    • Someone to nerd out with about everything running. How many times are you able to talk about that awkward chafing going on? How you’re trying to test out new nutrition because a certain product sits uneasy with your stomach after mile 5?
    • Someone to give you that extra push to go faster or that motivation to keep going when you just want to quit. As much as I want to believe us runners LOVE running, sometimes it’s a challenge.
    • Accountability, a reason to “keep showing up” One of the problems with working out in general is that it’s difficult to get started. Sometimes the most difficult part is putting on your running shoes or waking up early in the morning to get in that run before work.
  2. Mar 27, 2023 · TRAINING. Training for the marathon involves adapting your body to the rigours and demands of 26.2 miles of running. To get it right, you need to increase your cardiovascular fitness and...

    • The Starting Line. Whenever we enter a new chapter of life, whether it’s a new job or a relationship, we take off sprinting — excited to meet new people and have new experiences.
    • Mile Six. Okay, I am about at a 10K right now. When I did my first 10K, I thought it was a HUGE accomplishment. Now it feels like nothing. How far I’ve come!
    • Half Marathon Point. Time for an energy goo. Looks like I haven’t met my 1:45 half-split time, which means I have to pick up my pace and run a 7:20 mile for the next 13 miles to qualify for Boston.
    • Mile 18. At mile 18, Jedi mind tricks on myself I start playing. By this point, I had already used the “glass half full” strategy and now, when I want to congratulate myself for running five more miles since the halfway point, I redo the math and realize I still have eight more to go.
  3. Mar 28, 2020 · In fact, many runners meet their best friends or even future partners through running groups. Stronger relationships: You can also convince a friend or family member to train for a marathon with you. Training together and traveling to the race is a fun way to bond and spend time together.

  4. Dec 21, 2023 · There's no single 'correct' way to train for a marathon. Even at elite level, coaches and athletes approach the distance in different ways. This variation reflects attitudes and beliefs,...

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