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  1. Oct 16, 2013 · The Fifth Estate refers to anyone who attempts to use the power of instant, widespread communication to influence society. Notable examples of this type are bloggers, watchdogs, activists, or other individuals or small groups who track and comment on the first four estates: government, religion, business, media.

  2. fifth wheel An extra and unnecessary person or thing, as in He was the only one without a date, so he felt like a fifth wheel. This expression, which alludes to an unneeded wheel on a four-wheel vehicle, may have originated as long ago as 1631, when Thomas Dekker wrote Match Me in London : "Thou tiest but wings to to a swift grey Hounds heel, And addest to a running Chariot a fifth wheel."

  3. Mar 15, 2015 · In this context, "waxing" is used as a verb to indicate an increasingly literary mindset or mode of speech (its antonym is "waning," or decreasing). A more commonly-used idiom is "waxing poetic." These terms are also used to describe the moon's transition from new to full (waxing) and back (waning). Share.

  4. Intestinal fortitude is merely a mock-sophisticated synonym for guts meaning “tenacious strength or courage,” popular among sports commentators.

  5. You might find Flatbed Terminology useful. Apparently when a large coil is being transported on a truck, if the "eye" of the coil (either of the "open" ends) faces fowards or sideways (as opposed to upwards, "to the sky"), it's called a suicide coil (truck driver is more likely to end up getting killed if there's an accident and the coil breaks free of its strapping).

  6. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

  7. 14. In earnest writing, the phrase can be used so that Y clarifies X. However, it is a typical witticism (as in your examples) where Y is a cynical statement about X, almost treating X as a setup premise for the humor in Y. +1 It is good to point out that there is a non-ironic usage that one might encounter.

  8. to which George replies, "I plead the fifth!" The O.P. simply wants to know, is there another (perhaps informal) equivalent, since it would be presumptuous to expect the phrase would be widely used outside the US, since "the fifth" originates from the 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. –

  9. May 12, 2015 · The Takings Clause, the last clause of the Fifth Amendment, limits the power of eminent domain by requiring that "just compensation" be paid if private property is taken for public use. Wikipedia. Long answer. The power of a government to take control of private property in exchange of money is called by different names depending on the country.

  10. Feb 22, 2013 · Starting with the Fifth Edition (1936), seven generations of the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary have included (under the entry for tap) three definitions of "on tap," currently worded as follows: on tap 1 : ready to be drawn from a large container(as a cask or keg) ["ale on tap"] 2 : broached or furnished with a tap 3 : on hand ...