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    • Billy Graham: Satan is Real—and a Real Threat
      • It’s often been said that one of the devil’s greatest tricks is to convince people that he doesn’t really exist—and it’s true. But Satan really does exist —just as surely as God exists. And he isn’t just a vague, impersonal force; he is a real person—that is, he has a real personality.
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  2. Jan 4, 2022 · Answer. Although he has persuaded many people that he doesn’t exist, Satan very definitely is a real, personal being, the source of all unbelief and of every kind of moral and spiritual evil in the world.

  3. It’s often been said that one of the devil’s greatest tricks is to convince people that he doesn’t really exist—and it’s true. But Satan really does exist —just as surely as God exists. And he isn’t just a vague, impersonal force; he is a real person—that is, he has a real personality.

  4. Jun 11, 2024 · The Real Devil analyzes Bible teaching about the devil, satan and demons, concluding that ‘satan’ [‘adversary’] and ‘devil’ [‘false accuser’] do not refer to a personal satan, dragon, or spirit being; but rather to any opposing force, and often to the power of sin and evil.

  5. Yes, the devil certainly does exist; he isn’t just an idea people dreamed up to explain the existence of evil. Someone has said that one of Satan’s tricks is to convince us he doesn’t exist — but he does. Repeatedly, Jesus referred to the devil as a real being.

    • “Satan” Means “Adversary.”
    • Pride Fueled The Devil’s Origin Story.
    • Satan’s Domain Is Earth and Sheol.
    • Satan Rules The Nations of The Earth.
    • Satan Commands His Own Host of Demons.
    • The Bible Doesn’T Say He Rules All The Demons.
    • The Devil Tried to Make at Least One Deal.
    • Satan Is on The Defensive
    • Satan Is A Liar by Nature.
    • Satan Has Spiritual Children, Just Like God does.

    “Satan” is a transliteration of a Hebrew word, which means “adversary,” or “opponent.” The word satanis used multiple times in the Old Testament, often referring to anyone who is blocking or challenging someone else. For example: 1. The angel of the Lord opposes Balaam (Numbers 21:22–32). 2. Two of David’s bloodthirsty warriors, Joab and Abishai, m...

    Perhaps the last place you’d look to find information about Satan is in a list of pastoral qualities. And yet, as the apostle Paul lays out the qualities he expects of church leaders, he makes specific mention of the devil. The apostle warns Timothy that any elder “must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same jud...

    In the third chapter of Genesis, the serpent persuades Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, expelling them from Eden and sealing their doom. But although Adam and Eve are punished, Satan gets the fiercest curse from the God he rebelled against. The Lord says to him: “Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on you...

    The author of 1 John states that “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (5:19), and other passages of the New Testament specifically point to the devil’s control over the nations of the world. For example, pay attention to Satan’s final offer as he tempts Jesus in the wilderness: Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and...

    By the time of Jesus’ ministry, Satan had not only attained power over all the nations of the earth, but he had also amassed a following of demons. The Jews of Jesus’ time believed that Satan was the ruler of the demons. In fact, some even claimed that it was only by Satan’s power that Jesus could cast out demons the way he did. But Jesus says this...

    Scripture doesn’t give us a cut-and-dry picture of the divine hierarchy, good or evil. So while we can assume Satan is the most prominent of God’s adversaries, we shouldn’t necessarily assume that all God’s divine opponents are under Satan’s control. Here’s how Heiser puts it: “It is clear that Satan is leader of at least some of the powers of dark...

    Making deals with the devil is a common storytelling motif. And although the Bible doesn’t say anything about fiddles made of gold, Scripture does tell us of at least one attempted bargain Satan tried to make. We looked at Satan’s attempts to tempt Jesus earlier in this list. Satan offered all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus. But there was a cat...

    From the Garden of Eden until the time of Jesus, Satan continued to accumulate power. Like we saw earlier, he had grown powerful enough to demand that Jesus worship himin exchange for the nations Jesus had come to redeem. But after Jesus resisted his temptations, the game changed. In all three synoptic gospels, Jesus does three things after his tri...

    Jesus tells us that lying is second nature to the devil. He doesn’t sugarcoat it, either: “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). The apostles tell us that our enemy is a great deceiver, too. When...

    The New Testament often refers to God as our Father, and to believers as “children of God.” This is obviously a spiritual statement, not a biological one. We’re part of God’s spiritual family. We live under God’s roof, abide by his rules, and enjoy the benefits of being his. However, God isn’t the only spiritual father the Bible speaks of. Satan ha...

  6. May 4, 2021 · The devil is not, however, all-powerful, omniscient, or omnipresent. The devil has a plan and God has a plan, and each person must decide which plan to follow. Jesus said, “Follow Me,” and those who flee the devil and turn to Jesus Christ by faith will know His joy and peace for eternity.

  7. Sep 13, 2017 · The Devil, also known as Satan, Lucifer or Baphomet, is a mythic figure who embodies evil. He has appeared in different forms in many cultures throughout history.

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