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  1. The Tel Dan Stele is a fragmentary stele containing an Aramaic inscription which dates to the 9th century BCE. It is notable for possibly being the most significant and perhaps the only extra-biblical archaeological reference to the house of David .

  2. Jun 4, 2024 · Few modern Biblical archaeology discoveries have caused as much excitement as the Tel Dan inscription—writing on a ninth-century B.C. stone slab (or stela) that furnished the first historical evidence of King David from the Bible.

  3. Perhaps the most famous find from Tel Dan is a stela, likely commissioned by Hazael of Aram sometime in the ninth century BCE, identifying a Judahite king from the “house of David” and thus providing the only extra-biblical reference to the famed King David.

  4. Feb 15, 2022 · The Tel Dan discovery: What is it and How it impacted the debate about the Historicity of the Bible? The House of David Inscription, sometimes known as the Tel Dan inscription was uncovered at Tel Dan, an ancient city in northern Israel.

  5. The Tel Dan Stele, also known as the House of David stele, is a broken stele (inscribed stone) discovered in 1993–94 during excavations at Tel Dan in northern Palestine.

  6. May 4, 2011 · The Tel Dan Stela is extraordinary in that it names eight Biblical kings: Ben-Hadad II, Hazael, Joram, Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram, David and Jehu. It was most likely erected following Hazael’s defeat of Joram and Ahaziah at Ramoth Gilead in ca. 841 BC (2 Kgs 8:28–29).

  7. Tel Dan is a rectangular mound in the northeastern reaches of the Hula Valley, where the largest tributary of the Jordan River, the Dan, begins its course south. In the Hebrew Bible, the site is also referred to as Laish (Joshua 19:47; Judges 18:29).

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