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  1. Benedict Arnold was born in 1741 to a prominent Connecticut family. Arnold lost most of his siblings to yellow fever, calamitous events that triggered alcoholism in his father. As a teenager, Arnold's family faced financial hardship. At the age of sixteen, Arnold enlisted in a militia and served in the French and Indian War in upstate New York.

  2. Feb 26, 2015 · Arnold, Benedict. 1741-1801. Benedict Arnold was a successful businessman and militia captain in New Haven, Connecticut, when the American Revolution began. He quickly joined the American army and began a career that would make him both a hero and a villain to Americans during the war.

  3. Jul 27, 2021 · Fact #10: Although there is no hard evidence that Peggy was directly involved in Arnold’s plot, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. There are many coincidences in the story of Peggy Shippen and Benedict Arnold that seem to directly link her to the plot. In 1782, Peggy was gifted an annual pension of £500 by King George III ...

  4. Feb 16, 2016 · Benedict Arnold: The Hero Before the Traitor. Before his epic betrayal, Arnold proved himself an imaginative and tenacious field commander. by James Kirby Martin 2/16/2016. Arnold's battered ship and four other patriot vessels finally gave up the fight on October 13. After setting their fleet on fire, the Americans waded ashore in Vermont.

  5. Jan 14, 2017 · To be called a Benedict Arnold is not a compliment. Born January 14, 1741, in Norwich, Connecticut, Arnold is viewed as the quintessential traitor, reviled in American history for being the ultimate turncoat who tried to turn over the vital Hudson River New York outpost of West Point to British forces in exchange for money and a commission in the British army.

  6. Feb 18, 2024 · Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, Connecticut on January 14, 1741, to a successful family until bad business deals, alcoholism, and deaths in the family created financial problems. Arnold’s father and grandfather were also named Benedict Arnold.

  7. ARNOLD, BENEDICT, officier et marchand, né le 14 janvier 1741/1742 à Norwich, Connecticut, fils de Benedict Arnold, marchand, et de Hannah King, née Waterman ; le 22 février 1767, il épousa Margaret Mansfield, de New Haven, Connecticut, et ils eurent trois fils, puis le 8 avril 1779, Margaret (Peggy) Shippen, de Philadelphie, et ils eurent quatre fils et une fille ; décédé le 14 juin ...

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