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  1. Sep 13, 2017 · Tired of hitting the snooze button every morning? Here’s how to wake up refreshed and on time.

    • Annette Mcdermott
    • Set your alarm for success. Shaking off that lingering morning grogginess, or sleep inertia, may be as simple as updating your old-fashioned buzzer alarm to a more melodic tone.
    • Let the light in. Natural light is a major player in your morning routine, whether you realize it or not. Sunlight helps “wind up” your internal clock, so to speak.
    • Wash your face. Splashing some cool or lukewarm water on your face can refresh tired eyes and make for an invigorating wake-up call. It may not be strictly necessary to give your face a full wash in the morning, especially if you do a multi-step skin care routine at night or have very dry or sensitive skin.
    • Eat a nutritious breakfast. Starting your day with a balanced, protein-packed breakfast doesn’t just fill your empty stomach. It also energizes you and provides fuel for the day ahead.
    • Tiffany La Forge
    • Make over your morning glass of water. Share on Pinterest. The benefits of drinking water (at least 2 cups) first thing in the morning are plenty. Besides flushing out toxins and providing some much-needed hydration, this amount of water can increase your metabolism.
    • Hydrate while boosting your metabolism. Not feeling like downing H2O when you wake up? While we strongly recommend starting the day with a glass of water, here are some alternatives your body will also be okay with.
    • Feeling fatigued? Drink this for energy. Amp up your energy with vegetable juice. If your morning caffeine just isn’t doing the trick, think about switching your cup of coffee for a glass of green juice.
    • What to sip on for a sensitive stomach. Settle your tummy with ginger tea. Ginger is a popular common cure of stomach woes, and for good reason. Sipping on ginger tea first thing in the morning can ease stomach discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  2. Jul 6, 2020 · The first is called homeostasis. It works by making us more tired the longer we're awake. The second is the circadian process, which controls a variety of 24-hour biological cycles in our...

  3. Aug 4, 2023 · Good sleep habits and an effective morning routine can help you wake up feeling energized and prepared for the day ahead. Try these tips and techniques to start your day right.

  4. Oct 16, 2017 · Waking up every day at the same time can break it, and have you on your way to sustaining health. New research says teens may be accidentally jet lagging themselves with their erratic...

  5. Jul 25, 2023 · A healthy circadian rhythm will reset every 24 hours or so, but everybody's is a little different. This is part of the reason some people are naturally night owls, while others prefer to wake up early in the morning. If you want to improve your sleep, working with your natural circadian rhythm is key.

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