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  1. École de gestion québécoise de niveau universitaire, chef de file en enseignement et en recherche. Nous formons des leaders responsables qui contribuent au succès des organisations et au développement durable de la société.

  2. A university-level business school in Quebec, at the forefront of teaching and research. We train responsible leaders who contribute to the success of organizations and the sustainable development of society.

  3. Découvrez nos programmes. À HEC Montréal, la formation est axée sur la pratique, la collaboration, l’exploration et l'innovation. Nous offrons près de 150 programmes en gestion, du baccalauréat au doctorat, et de nombreuses options de formation continue.

  4. HEC Montréal (French: Hautes études commerciales de Montréal; English: High Commercial Studies of Montreal) is a bilingual public business school located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Founded in 1907, HEC Montréal is the graduate business school of the Université de Montréal and is the first established school of management in Canada.

  5. We offer nearly 150 management programs, from bachelor's degrees to PhD, as well as many continuing education options. Over 60 of these programs offer a combination of on-site and distance learning to help balance school, work, and personal life. See all our English language programs.

  6. HEC Montréal is a French-language university institution offering internationally renowned management education and research. The School has been training future managers who contribute to our society’s growth and prosperity, since 1907.

  7. HEC Montréal is a university business school whose reputation as a leader in teaching and research is recognized in Québec, Canada, and around the world.

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