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  1. Jul 9, 2020 · Phase II: partial deconfinement (region by region, country) In this phase II, the majority of schools, universities and businesses can reopen. Teleworking should continue where possible; meetings should still be limited, initially to fewer than 20 people.

    • Arnold Migus, Patrick Netter, Christian Boitard, Bruno Clement, Jean François Allilaire, Raymond Ard...
    • 10.1016/j.banm.2020.07.004
    • 2020
    • 2020/12
  2. Jun 21, 2024 · Mild to moderate illness from COVID-19 usually lasts an average of 10 days. For some people, symptoms fade in a matter of days; for others, it takes weeks. Even mild COVID-19 cases can progress to long COVID or post-COVID syndrome, in which ongoing symptoms remain long after the initial infection.

  3. Nov 24, 2022 · The terms “longer-term COVID-19 symptoms” or “long COVID” are defined here as those occurring three or more months after a self-reported positive COVID-19 test or suspected infection. One in seven Canadian adults (14.8%) who had a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection reported having symptoms for three months or longer, or long COVID.

    • On This Page
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    • Risk Factors
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    • Diagnosis and Treatment
    • What Canada Is Doing
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    The World Health Organization (WHO) defines post COVID-19 condition (PCC) as occurring: The WHO published a separate clinical case definition for post COVID-19 condition in children and adolescents. It recognizes the unique health considerations of this population. Of note, the WHO indicates: Several studies have reported that long-term symptoms ar...

    Post COVID-19 condition is associated with a wide variety of symptoms across multiple organ systems. They can impact or limit everyday activities, such as school, work and caregiving. Symptoms can fluctuate in intensity, and on occasion may disappear and later reappear. Notably, some patients report that mental and physical over-exertion can exacer...


    There is still uncertainty about the prevalence of post COVID-19 condition. Several studies and systematic reviews were carried out in the initial phase of the pandemic (prior to the Omicron variant and roll out of vaccination campaigns). These found that about 30% to 40% of those not hospitalized still reported at least 1 symptom, whether it be mild or more severe, 12 or more weeks after having COVID-19. In systematic reviews, prevalence estimates from individual studies vary widely, ranging...


    The prevalence of post COVID-19 condition in children is not yet well established, with high variability in estimates based on a small number of studies. As more studies are conducted and new evidence emerges, these estimates will become more precise.

    Anyone who has contracted SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can experience post COVID-19 condition, even people who had a mild SARS CoV-2 infection. The studies reviewed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and collaborators show that these groups appear to be disproportionally impacted by the condition: 1. females 2. those who experienc...

    Currently, the best way to avoid post COVID-19 condition is to take measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. This includes measures like: 1. staying home when sick 2. wearing a well-fitted mask 3. improving indoor ventilation This can also protect people who are at risk of more severe disease. Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prote...

    While clinical studies are underway in Canada and around the world, there are currently no regulator-level approved diagnostic tests and treatments for post COVID-19 condition. Ongoing research about what causes it, and how to diagnose and treat it, will help in the development of specific guidelines for health care professionals and patients. The ...

    People in Canada with post COVID-19 condition who are unable to work because of their symptoms may be eligible for financial support. The Government of Canada continues to conduct and support scientific activities, in collaboration with other partners, to learn more about: 1. the burden of post COVID-19 condition in Canada 2. how to prevent, manage...

  4. COVID-19 information for health professionals on modes of transmission, infectious period, incubation period and re-infection.

  5. The period of communicability is when a patient is shedding virus at a sufficient quantity and viability to infect another person. Currently, the infectious dose for humans is not known.

  6. In Canada, as of August 2022, more than 1.4 million people – or about 15 percent of adults who have contracted COVID-19 – say they experience symptoms three months or more after their initial SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. These include respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological and cognitive impairments and they can be debilitating.