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  1. Jan 12, 2014 · A class act can also be used to indicate irony or sarcasm. Sort of like saying: Your drunken singing in the underground was a real class act. So, in response to J.R. on the sex pistols, I wouldn't find it strange if a review stated that: "Their show was a real class act, eventually Johnny Rotten himself had to tell Sid to cool it". Obviously ...

  2. Nov 13, 2014 · 1. Acts (or sins) of omission and commission are, respectively, things you have failed to do, and things you have done. The terms are often used in legalistic or canon law contexts. One might find the phrase "whether by omission or commission" in a contract, say, or a religious tract that ranks human misdeeds according to how evil they are ...

  3. Mar 20, 2016 · (Australia) A person who is, or is perceived to be, unsophisticated or of a lower class background but achieving a high salary, who spends money on flashy or trashy items to fulfil their aspirations of higher social status. The stereotype includes having speech and mannerisms that are considered to denote poor education and uncultured upbringing, which is reflected in their bad taste ...

  4. Apr 23, 2015 · The important thing to realize here is that 'put on a show/act' aren't different idioms, they are manifestations of the same phrasal verb: From oxford: Put on (sense 5.1) - Behave deceptively: she doesn’t feel she has to put on an act. There is a subtle difference.

  5. @J.R. There's an awful lot in the question for English language enthusiasts. The way "U/non-U" distinctions meant that upper class people preferred "toilet" (if referring to it at all was necessary) while middle-class people preferred "lavatory" or being euphemistic, along with different views as to what counted as "formal", and then how those distinctions changed over time, as just one aspect.

  6. Is there a class or category for this sort of words? P.S. I've used the Moby Part-Of-Speech database to filter a corpus of total 233,357 words to a list of just 5,423 words that are both nouns and adjectives (presumably, in the same form) (@Ricky) it's not quite "a hell of a list," but still one to reckon with.

  7. Aug 15, 2012 · You may be termed a social climber if you aspire to advance quickly to higher social levels, especially by association with members of that class. Your actions may make you snobbish or a snob ; you rebuff, avoid or ignore things or people you perceive as inferior, especially to the point of offense or vulgarity.

  8. Aug 13, 2010 · Should be “It was a heroic act” or “It was an heroic act”? I remember reading somewhere that the h is sometimes silent, in which case it’s an, and when the h is pronounced, it’s a. But then I also remember reading that it depends on which syllable is stressed.

  9. May 30, 2016 · For example, in the sentence: I baked a cake for my mom. Direct object (DO): cake Indirect object (IO): for my mom Some webpages say IO can only come before DO While others explain that a

  10. Jan 30, 2015 · Enrollment is The Act Of Been Enrolled.enrolled is to be registered with an institution once tii you get off or to be signed up. While Registration is mainly a form fill system to provide a details for an institution.

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