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  1. Nov 7, 2016 · Prince Philip, who was still a baby, was reputedly carried out to the ship in a makeshift cot made out of an orange box. For the infant child it was the start of decades of stateless wandering. From the moment Philip left Corfu on 3 December 1922 until he moved into Clarence House as Princess Elizabeth’s husband in the late 1940s, he had no permanent residence.

  2. Sep 21, 2016 · 10 March 1964 – Prince Edward is born. The youngest of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip’s children, young Prince Edward follows four years after his brother Andrew, and is also born at Buckingham Palace. May 1965 – The queen visits Germany. Elizabeth becomes the first reigning British monarch to set foot in Germany in 52 years.

  3. Apr 15, 2016 · Images that have just been recently made public show her, aged 15, playing Prince Florizel during a Christmas production in December 1941. After this starring role, her majesty starred in both Sleeping Beauty and Aladdin. She can get angry. On a state visit to Australia in 1954, an argument erupted between the Queen and Prince Philip.

  4. Mar 1, 2019 · Edward, Prince of Wales was one of the founding members of the Order of the Garter, England’s most prestigious chivalric order. Winning his spurs. In July 1346, Edward III’s army landed unopposed in France at La Hogue. The following day, the king knighted Prince Edward to mark the beginning of his career as a soldier.

  5. Apr 18, 2019 · A typical story of what became a very tangled family tree can be seen with Charles V and his wife Isabella of Portugal (1503-1529). They had two children – Philip II of Spain (1527-1598), and a daughter Maria of Austria (1528-1603). The dynasty feared that if Philip died before he had a male heir, Spain would be lost.

  6. Oct 16, 2017 · A cyberspace prank played on Prince Philip before the internet even existed Almost forgotten now, Prestel was Britain ’ s very own internet before the internet itself came on the scene. Launched by the Post Office in 1979, users could browse more than 100,000 pages, and use a service called Mailbox, which was very similar to today ’ s e-mail.

  7. May 24, 2018 · Wyatt’s Rebellion: The Plot to Overthrow Bloody Mary. The 1550s were one of the most turbulent times of upheaval in English history. Europe was split between the old certainties of Roman Catholicism and the new reforms of Protestantism; England became a divided country. This was most keenly felt in the years 1547-58 when the state religion of ...

  8. Jul 5, 2016 · Some ended happily, some didn’t go so well and one in particular led to throttling, murder and a wife sent to prison for three decades. When the future George I of Great Britain married his cousin, Sophia Dorothea of Celle, in 1682, it was not a matter of love but duty. Territory, influence and the future of the House of Hanover rested on the ...

  9. Jun 22, 2015 · The courtier Sir Robert Tyrwhitt wrote in 1549: “I do verily believe that there hath been some secret promise between my Lady, Mistress Ashley [Elizabeth’s governess] and the Cofferer [Sir Thomas Parry] never to confess to death. Stoker wasn’t the only one to compare Elizabeth to a man. Her tutor Roger Ascham wrote in 1550: “The ...

  10. Jun 19, 2017 · The other one was a young fellow who looked rather simple and he came back from a day off in Singapore and he brought me some sweets. There was only one other Japanese that I remember was reasonable. While I was down there was another soldier who didn’t like the sight of me so he pulled me out, gave me a log and I had to stand there with this log above my head.

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