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  1. Nov 30, 2012 · 1,209. From: Netherlands. Gear: DM3200 IFFW. Most users won't have experience on any and all available DAWs, but most seen in this forum IMO are Cubase and ProTools. Choice of DAW should also be based on features needed and maybe previous experience or even preferred OS..

  2. Jun 12, 2017 · 4 Reviews written. 🎧 15 years. @ steelyfan , This was done an a DM4800 run through the converters twice. 80-90% outboard eq, comp during tracking and, 10% subtractive in DAW, prolly 5-10% during mixing, mastering.

  3. Feb 3, 2013 · I have loved this board since I took it out of the box. Used mainly as an interface/control surface for pro tools. I have upgraded my Mac to an M2 silicone. I've been holding out hoping someone might be able to write a driver to get the firewire to work on the new computer but I'm done waiting. Also I am done with Tascam.

  4. Oct 11, 2012 · So you could use the insert ins or buy an analog card, and route from there directly to the firewire card. You could keep the workflow you have and have the signal flow you want, without too much money or time being required.

  5. May 21, 2017 · A Tascam DM-3200 / DM-4800 tutorial explaining the functions, uses, and differences between the hardware inserts found on the back of the machine and "soft inserts" found in the "INSERT" tab...

  6. Sep 30, 2023 · If you're looking to go digital check out the Yamaha LS9 as I believe it's in the same price range. I have a Tascam interface that I like but when it comes to consoles themselves Yamaha is really the leader.

  7. Jun 4, 2010 · The Tascam DM4800 has 24 mic-pre's. If you are into multi micing techniques. This is the board you want. The DM4800 has the FAT channel. Wich means dedicated knobs for EQ and aux sends. The DM3200 is, for the new user, somewhat more fiddly. If you have a small room and you prefer two racks left & right. A DM3200 might be appropriate.

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