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  1. English Legal Terms in Urdu, Roman Urdu A Acceptance تیلوبق qabooliat Action in rem شلانیمیعت taimee naalish Adjourn یوتلم multawe Ad valorem تیلاملا بسح hasb-ul-maliat Adverse Possession ہنافل ا ¨م ہضبق qabza mukhalifana Affidavit یفلح نایب biyaan halfi Aggrieved party قیرف ہرثاتم ...

  2. Law Terms and Vocabulary With Urdu Meanings PDF - - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

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  3. The Act defines "contract" as an agreement enforceable by law. The essentials of a (valid) contract are: (a) Intention to create a contract; (b) Offer and acceptance; (c) Consideration; (d) Capacity to enter into a contract; (e) Free consent of the parties; (f) Lawful object of the agreement;

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  4. Legal terms with urdu - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Law terms

  5. AGREED STATEMENT OF FACTS - Statement of all important facts, which all the parties agree is true and correct, and which is submitted to a court for a decision. AGREEMENT - When the people involved in a legal dispute agree about something. AID AND ABET - to help or assist, in committing a crime.

  6. Legal terms in urdu. All legal terms of pakistan law in urdu contains simplified form. Language does not only express ideas but is also reflective of social behaviors. One can easily notice that several social discrimination are constantly being transmitted through derogatory words, idioms and phrases.

  7. People also ask

  8. Jun 7, 2019 · The Indian Contract Act, 1872 can be interpreted to cover all kinds of possible agreements and contracts. But, in several cases, it depends upon the facts and circumstances whether an agreement is a contract or not. In a nutshell, all the agreements which are legally enforceable become contracts.